History of Computers

By ransage

    Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, ENIAC was proposed by John Mauchly in 1942 as a fully electronic calculator, at the same time the military needed to calculate complex wartime ballistics. These needs met and the ENIAC was created to do calculations at electronic speeds.
  • ERA 1101

    One of the first commercially produced computers, 1101 could store 1 million bits using a magnetic drum, helping speed up storage advancements.
  • DRAM

    Invented in 1968 by Robert H. Dennard, the Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) drastically increased memory at a cheap price, allowing computers to become more widespread.
  • C Programming

    Dennis Ritchie creates C progmramming language in 1972. Based on the language BCPL, C allowed programs to be ported to other computers more easily.
  • Macintosh

    Apple launches the Macintosh, which used a monitor and a mouse.
  • CompactFlash

    CompactFlash is introduced by SanDisk and becomes the preffered storage method due to it using flash memory.
  • J-Phone J-SH04

    The Japan manufactured J-Phone was one of the first phones to have a camera. It's resolution was .11 megapixels and paved the way for cameras inside phones.
  • Microsoft Tablet PC

    Microsoft releases a tablet, but made a crucial mistake: they tried to make it just as powerful as a PC.
  • Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers

    Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers land on Mars, proving technology could reach other planets.
  • Cloud-Based Services

    Amazon launches cloud-based services, allowing things to be stored elsewhere, eliminating the need for companies to have their own storage system.
  • MacBook Air

    Apple releases MacBook Air, a thin yet powerful laptop. This changed computers because it was the first mass-market computer with a solid-state disk.
  • Apple iPad

    Apple releases the iPad, One of the first modern day tablets. It was very similar to a iPhone, except it was bigger and without phone services.
  • Raspberry PI

    The Raspberry PI is released and allows people to make their own computers, making computers much cheaper and popular.
  • Apple Pay

    Apple Pay is released, allowing for things to be paid for digitally.It worked with Apple's touch ID to safely make transactions.