History of Drawing By Precious Taylor

  • Pre-Historic Art (30,000-10,000 BCE)

    Pre-Historic Art (30,000-10,000 BCE)
    Drawings found on cave walls and tools were done by our ancestors since the beginning of human histroy
  • Papyrus (3000 BC.)

    One of the first forms of paper used in art. It was made from a plant called papyrus which grew along the Nile river in Egypt
  • Ancient Egypt (3000 BC.)

    Ancient Egypt (3000 BC.)
    A time when early egyptians used hieroglyphics to decorate their temples and tombs
  • Ancient Greece Art (800 BC.)

    Ancient Greece Art (800 BC.)
    A time when ancient greeks expressed their art on artifacts such as vases and pottery
  • Middle Age Art (400-1400 CE.)

    Middle Age Art (400-1400 CE.)
    During this time period drawings were used to express religious messages and stories of the Bible.
  • Renaissance (1300-1700)

    Renaissance (1300-1700)
    A time period when drawing we recognize started to take form.
  • Baroque Period (1600's and 1700's)

    Baroque Period (1600's and 1700's)
    A time period when a new style of drawing that included livelier forms with flowing lines
  • Rococo Period (1800's)

    Rococo Period (1800's)
    A period where the innovations in conveying movement through playful line was charaterized by wealthy French culture of the aristocrats.
  • Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, Fauvism (1900's)

    Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, Fauvism (1900's)
    Forms of artwork that were discovered during th 19th cenury that helped artists create daring and bold artwork
  • Pencils (1800'S TO 1900'S)

    Pencils (1800'S TO 1900'S)
    New tool introduced in the early 19th century that was preferred by artists