
History of English Literature

  • 450


    Old English or Anglo-Saxon is an early form of the English language that was spoken in much of what is now England and southern Scotland between about 425 and 1125. It was an inflectional language with a lot of freedom in its syntax, unlike current English.
  • 451

    Old English' Poets and important works

    Caedmon is the best poet known, and he is considered the father of Anglo-Saxon poetry. He lived at Whitby Abbey in Northumbria in the 7th century. Only a nine-line poem is preserved of him, entitled "Hymn", which is also the oldest text in English. Other notable works from this period also include the poem Beowulf, which has risen to the rank of a national epic in the UK. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a collection of history about ancient England.
  • 1066


    Middle English was a form of the English language spoken after the Norman Conquest in 1066 until the late 15th century. English experienced various variations and developments after the Old English period. Scholarly opinion varies, but the Oxford English Dictionary specifies the period when Middle English was spoken between 1150 and 1500. This stage of the development of the English language followed roughly from the High to the Low Middle Ages.
  • 1214

    Middle English' Poets and important works

    -Bacon, Roger (1214?-1294) English philosopher and scientist. Bacon is one of the most prominent people.
    -Caxton, William (1422-1491)
    was amerchant and a writer who set up the first printing press in England in 1476.
  • 1500


    English Renaissance or England are historiographic designations for the people of the whole community and the artistic and cultural productions of the Renaissance in England, in the period from the late 15th to the early 17th century. As in the rest of the Nordic Renaissance, it occurs as an influence of the Italian Renaissance and develops with a relative delay compared to it.
  • 1575

    English Renaissance' Poets and important works

    Some of the most important works at this time were John Bettes the Younger's Portrait of Dorothy Okeover in 1587, William Segar's Portrait of Walter Raleigh, 1598, and the miniature portrait by Isaac Oliver in 1602.
    The main authors of the time are:
    Francis Bacon
    Francis Beaumont
    Francis Hubert
    George Chapman
    Thomas dekker
    John donne
    John fletcher
    John ford

    Puritanism was a radical faction of Calvinist Protestantism, which had its origin in the English Reform period that developed during the reign of Elizabeth I. During the sixteenth century, an important sector of the Church of England felt that the final break with the Catholic Church had not finished.
  • Puritan' Poets and important works

    John Milton (London, December 9, 1608-ibid., November 8, 1674) was an english poet and essayist, best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost.
    The most outstanding works of the time are:
    The image of the pious manThe pilgrim's progress
    lost paradise
    Foxe's Book of Martyrs

    This time, of great cultural effervescence, was also that of the creation of the Royal Society, of the experiments and meditations of Robert Boyle and of the attacks of Bishop Jeremy Collier on the theater. The written press was beginning to become widespread, while essays and chronicles became expanding literary forms as the stock market made its appearance.
  • Restoration Age' Poets and important works

    Edmund Waller was, Dryden, Rochester, Buckingham and Dorset dominated the verse, and all were attached to the court of Charles. Aphra Behn, Matthew Prior, and Robert Gould, by contrast, were deeply realistic outsiders. Court poets do not follow any particular style, except that they all show sexual awareness, a willingness to satirize, and a confidence in wit to dominate their opponents, these were some authors of the time, which was characterized by various abstract arts.
  • 18th CENTURY

    18th CENTURY
    Augustan Literature is a style of English literature that roughly corresponds to the reigns of Queen Anne, King George I, and George II. Critics refer by this name to literature developed between 1700 and 1760 (or, for some, until 1789). It is a time that saw the rapid development of the novel, an explosion of satire, the evolution of theater from political satire to melodrama, and an evolution towards poetry of personal exploration.
  • 18 th Century' Poets and important works

    Some representative characters of this time are Alexis Piron
    François Andrieux
    Antoine-Marin Lemierre
    Antoine-Vincent Arnault.
    At this time buildings, sculptures and codes were created.

    England is, along with Germany, the cradle of Romanticism. With a strong pre-Romantic tradition, English literature from the first half of the 11th century the English writers of the early nineteenth century manifest the rebelliousness of Romanticism in two ways.
    Through a new literary language based on the feeling and the irrational, the subjectivity and the freedom of the artist against all rules.
  • Romanticism' Poets and important works

    George Gordon; London, Great Britain, 1788-Missolonghi, present-day Greece, 1824). He was a British poet, recognized in the era of romanticism.
    At this time the work of frankesteín was written.

    It was characterized by an ambiguous creative rebellion, a narcissistic and aristocratic refinement, literary culturalism, and a profound aesthetic renovation of language and meter. Modernism is known as the Hispanic form of the universal crisis of letters and the spirit, which manifests itself in art, science, religion and politics.
  • Modern Literature' Poets and important works

    The most important authors and their works are:
    In 1809 Schlegel published On Dramatic Art and Literature. Alfred, Lord Tennyson was born. Nikolai Gogol was born. In 1811, Jane Austen published (anonymously) Sense and Sensibility In 1812, George Crabbe published Tales in Verse. Byron published Cantos I and II of the Childe Harold pilgrimage. Samuel Taylor Coleridge published Remorse. On February 7, Charles Dickens was born.

    In literature, Victoria's long reign is one of the most glorious in English history.4 The Victorian era spans virtually from Romanticism to the end of the century, and represents a literary change of style in a realistic sense. The border date between Romanticism and the Victorian era is 1832.
  • Victorian' Poets and important works

    More important works include Oliver Twist (1837-1839), Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839), A Christmas Carol (1843), Dombey and Son (1846-1848), David Copperfield (1849-1850), Bleak House (1852-1848) )) 53), Little Dorrit (1855-1857), A Tale of Two Cities (1859) and Great Expectations (1860-1861). There is a gradual trend in his fiction towards darker themes that reflects a trend in much of 19th century writing.

    It is applied to very diverse currents, all of them share the idea that the modern project failed in its attempt to radically renew the traditional forms of art and culture, thought and social life.
  • Post moderns' Poets and important works

    Jean Baudrillard has extensively reflected on the commodification of symbols and, therefore, of social imaginaries. He is the author of the book The aesthetic illusion and disillusionment.
    Michel Foucault known for his book This is not a pipe, in which he analyzes the paradox of the homonymous painting painted by the surrealist Renée Magritte.
    Gilles Lipovestky
    French of the classic of postmodern philosophy The era of emptiness and of The times of hypermodernity.

    Nowadays is very important to learn english because is the universal language, in the contemporany age is necessary, English is the language of international communication, commerce and finance. English is a lingua franca in many corners of the planet and the official language of many International Organizations such as the European Union, the United Nations, among others.
  • Contemporany' Poets and important works

    Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pseudonym Goerge Orwell, was a 20th century English writer known for works such as Farm Rebellion and 1984, he went on to become one of the authors currently studying in school, at the literary criticism or even in English literature class. Oscar Wilde is the type of writer whose life was quite eventful and whose life deserves to be told, although he is known for some works such as The Picture of Dorian Gray.