History of Fashion

  • Fashion in the 1900s

    Fashion in the 1900s
    women:tall, stiff colors, small waist, "gibson girl" men: sack coat, 3 piece suits
  • Fashion in the 1910s

    Fashion in the 1910s
    women: harmen trousers, turbans, hobble skirt, lampshade dress men: less full line lighter materials and construction
  • Fashion in the 1920s

    Fashion in the 1920s
    women: straight cut chemise dress, flapper, boyish silhouette men: conventional suits rise in sportswear
  • Fashion in the 1930s

    Fashion in the 1930s
    women: longer skirts, feminine look, short hair, bias cuts men: softer look, broader and padded shoulders
  • FAshion in the 1940s

    FAshion in the 1940s
    women: knee length skirts, square shouldered mannish jackets, turban head covering, "new look" men: oversized jacket, wide lapels, baggy low crotched trousers
  • Fashion in the 1950s

    Fashion in the 1950s
    women: softer fuller styles, sweater sets men: gray flannel suit, jeans, white t shirts, leather jacket
  • Fashion in the 1960s

    Fashion in the 1960s
    women: full or longer skirts, fitted suits, short boxy jacket, pillbox hat, miniskirt, jeans, go go boots, bikini, hippies, bell bottom pants men: pressed slacks, sports jackets
  • Fashion in the 1970s

    Fashion in the 1970s
    women: mini, midi, maxi length skirts, hot pants men: polyester suit, open shirts disco look, hippies
  • Fashion in the 1980s

    Fashion in the 1980s
    women: suits with big shoulders and close fitting skirts "power dress" men: narrow suits
    preppy, punk
  • FAshion in the 1990s

    FAshion in the 1990s
    casual style, chinos, grunge look, capri pants, low waist
  • FAshion in the 2000s

    FAshion in the 2000s
    more casual, mix and match styles, ugg boots, high tops, skinny jeans, eco friendly and ethical clothing