History of Management

  • Fredrick W Taylor- Scientific Management

    Fredrick W Taylor- Scientific Management
    This is a study of relationship between people and task to redesign the work process to increase efficiency. He believe the amount of time and effort workers expends to produce a unit of output can be reduced by increasing specialization and division of labor, production process would be more efficient. He created for principles for managers to follow.(39-41pg. Jones)
  • Management Theory - Mary Parker Follett

    Management Theory - Mary Parker Follett
    Mary wrote about how managers often over look employees contributions to the organization when managers allow them to be active in everyday work life.(51pg Jones) She argue that workers no best about their jobs that they should be involved in job analysis and managers should let them help with work development process. She believe managers that communicate directly with other managers helps speed up decision making.
  • The Theory of Bureaucracy-Max Weber

    The Theory of Bureaucracy-Max Weber
    Bureaucracy is a formal system of organization designed to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. This system was based on 5 principles. This system of adminitration shows obedience owed to the manager because they occupy a position that is associated with certain level of authority and reposibility. Help manager show employees who to report too.(45-46pg Jones)
  • Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth
    These two redefined Taylor's studies of work movements and made contributions to time and motion studies. (42-43pg. Jones) They analyized peoples actions to break it into componets to find a better way to perform task more efficiently at less cost in time and effort. These methods paved the way for advancements in management theory.
  • Fordism- Henry Ford

    Fordism- Henry Ford
    Henry Ford in his factory was having a high turn overrate of workers which was 300-400% per year due to workers not able to handle the stress. Henry decided to cut his hours to 8 hrs a day instead of 9 and also double the wages in pay to his employees from $2.50-5 per day. (41-42pg. Jones)
  • Henri Fayol-Administrative Management Theory

    Henri Fayol-Administrative Management Theory
    Henri identified 14 principles that was believe to increase the efficiency of management procress.(46-50pg Jones) He created this guideline for managers to use for efficiency and effective use for organizational resources.
  • Elton Mayo-Hawthorne Studies

    Elton Mayo-Hawthorne Studies
    Is the founder of the Human Relation Theory, which is an approach to management that employees are moved not only by financial rewards but by social factors. He blieved management should train behaviorally in ways that elicit cooperation and increase productivity. (51-53pg. Jones) (http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095949990)
  • Fair Labor Standard Act

    Fair Labor Standard Act
    This act was created to set a mininum wage, limit of hours to work, overtime pay, recorded keeping, and youth employment standards. Aslo this is known as minimum wage and child labor act. This act helps managers to achieve goals set by these act by not breaking regulations. (http://www.shrm.org/legalissues/federalresources/federalstatutesregulationsandguidanc/pages/fairlaborstandardsactof1938.aspx)
  • Chester Barnard- The functions of the Executives

    Chester Barnard- The functions of the Executives
    His book focuses on structure with roles of executives in creating conditions for effectiveness and efficiency. (http://www.mbsportal.bl.uk/taster/subjareas/busmanhist/mgmtthinkers/barnard.aspx) He believe in 3 function of executives, which were development of eefective communications, renetion of effective workers, and motivation of workers.
  • Peter Drucker

    Peter Drucker
    According to Drucker effectiveness was more important then efficiency and was the foundation of every company. (http://communicationtheory.org/management-by-objectives-drucker/) MBO deals with certain type of interaction, pacific to a manager and their employees.
  • Theory X and Theory Y-Douglas Mcgregor

    Theory X and Theory Y-Douglas Mcgregor
    Douglas created two theory saying how workers behaviors will affect managements behaviors. (53-55pg Jones) These theory help managers decide what actions to use when it comes to their employees with the examples that given. Theory X you need to control the workers more and Theory Y you can let the hard workers have more freedom due to them completing jobs efficiently.
  • Equal Pay Act

    Equal Pay Act
    This act was created to prohibit sex-based wages descrimination between men and woman in the same establishment performing similiar skills under the same conditions. (http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/epa.cfm)
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Was a law that the government passed that prohibited discrimination basis on sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing. (http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/civil-rights-act/)
  • Igor Ansoff- Corporate Strategy

    Igor Ansoff- Corporate Strategy
    He wrote a book for corporation that strickly relied on strategy that leads company on how to plan for or make decisions about the, future. (http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Igor+Ansoff%3A+father+of+Corporate+Strategy.-a0151189055)
  • MIS- Management Information System

    MIS- Management Information System
    Computeres arrived in the 1970s and spread fast in the 1980s. They were a seed for MIS systems serving sales, marketing and for communication. (http://www.computerhistory.org/timeline/)
  • Osha (The Occupation Safety and Health Administration)

    Osha (The Occupation Safety and Health Administration)
    This act was created to protect workers on the job.This federal program is used to protect the entire work force from job-related death, injuries, and illness. (http://www.dol.gov/dol/aboutdol/history/mono-osha13introtoc.htm)
  • The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

    The Pregnancy Discrimination Act
    Because of pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions woman effected shall be treated the same for employement-related purposes. (http://www.eeoc.gov/laws/statutes/pregnancy.cfm) So woman wouldnt get treated unfair because of pregnancy.
  • Michael Porter- Competitve Strategy

    Michael Porter- Competitve Strategy
    His theory was their is 5 forces that help managers to determine the competitive intensity and attractiveness of a market. It helps understand the strength of the organisation current competitive position in it's market. (http://www.cgma.org/Resources/Tools/essential-tools/Pages/porters-five-forces.aspx?TestCookiesEnabled=redirect)
  • ADA (American with Disability Act)

    ADA (American with Disability Act)
    This act is a right that gives individuals with disabilities that are like those individuals on basis of race, sex, and national orgins, or religion. It grants equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodation and transportation. (http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/hq9805.html)
  • Family Medical Leave act

    Family Medical Leave act
    This grants family temporary medical leave under certain circumstances. From when family fall too illness or death occurs. (http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/statutes/fmla.htm)