History of the 1960's

  • The first debate for a presidential election was televised

    The first debate for a presidential election was televised
    It was between Senator John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon.
  • John F Kennedy moves into the White House.

    John F Kennedy moves into the White House.
  • The soviets have sent the first man into space

    The soviets have sent the first man into space
  • Man on the Moon

    Man on the Moon
    Kennedy wanted to have a man on the moon and back before the decade was over.
  • Rachel Carson

    Rachel Carson
    scientist and writer, warned that our earth would die of pollution and chemicals. Especially chemicals that were developed to kill bad insects. DDT a chemical kills bad insects, along with good insects, plants, and animals.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. made the speech, "I have a Dream"

    Martin Luther King Jr. made the speech, "I have a Dream"
    More than 200,000 peaceful demonstrators came to Washington DC to demand equal rights for Black and Whites.
  • President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas

    President Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas
    Who killed President Kennedy nobody knows for sure.