
History of the Byzantines

By Aweiss
  • 324

    the founding of Constantinople

    the founding of Constantinople
    Emperor Constantine build the city Contantinople over the already existing greek town, Byzantium. Constantinople becomes the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and a center for the Catholic religion.
  • 532

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    Justinian rebuilds the Hagia Sophia after Constantinople is nearly destroyed by riots earlier that year. It was used as a cathedral during the Byzantine Empire.
  • 532

    General Belisarius

    General Belisarius
    Belisarius, a general under the command of Justinian, does many things for the empire. Such as stopping the Nika revolts, fighting many battles in Persia, taking back the African Provinces from the Vandals for the empire, and gaining Sicily, Naples, Rome, and Ravenna for the Empire.
  • 532

    Nika Uprising

    Nika Uprising
    Riots start up in Consantinople, calling for Justinian off the throne, and for Hypatius to replace him. Fires start up nearly destroying the city. A few days after the riots begin, Justinian, with the help of supporters, stop the riots and put Hypatius and around 30,000 rioters to death.
  • Sep 25, 1054

    the Great Schism

    the Great Schism
    The seperation of the Catholic Church. It splits into two seperate churches, the Western Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthadox Church (THe Byzantines).
  • Sep 23, 1095

    Alexios I

    Alexios I
    Alexios I appears befor Pope Urban II asking for military aid against the Seljuqs. Later hat year Urban II sends the first Crusade to the Middle East, but they do little to aid Alexios I, and he later sends them elsewhere.
  • Sep 23, 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    Crusaders from the Roman Catholic Church march on and capture the city Constantinople. They then proceed to kill many fellow Christians and loot the city. This attack weakens the city permanently.
  • Sep 23, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The Turks seige the city for fifty days, until they finally breach the wall. They send in many attacks, one after the other, until they finally win. Hey claim the city for Islam and rename it Istanbul.
  • Islamic Campaigns into Byzantine

    Islamic Campaigns into Byzantine
    A series of attacks on the Byzantine Empire by the Arabs that lasts for about fifty years and causes the Empire to lose part of its territory. The Arabs also made many failed attempts to capture Constantinople.
  • Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    Emperor Basil II leads his first conquest against Bulgaria in 986 and lays seige to the capital city, Sredels. He later lifts the seige, but as he heads back to the Empire, is ambushed and defeated by Bulgarians. In 1000he leads another attack against Bulgaria, and captures around 15,000 prisoners and kills many others.