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History of the scientific method

  • First dedicated laboratory

    First dedicated laboratory
    Provided scientists a place to practice their scientific experiments
  • Frances Bacon is one of the greatest movers of the scientfic notation

    Frances Bacon is one of the greatest movers of the scientfic notation
    Believed all scientific process should proceed through a process of observation, experimental process, analysis, and reasoning
  • Galileo achieved his famous gravity experiment

    Galileo achieved his famous gravity experiment
    His methodology shaped physics and other fields relying upon mathmatical theorems
  • The great philosopher and mathematition Descartes

    The great philosopher and mathematition Descartes
    Understood basic laws of the universe so you could deduce how anything will act.
  • Royal Society

    Royal Society
    Provided a panel of experts to advise and guide. This body ruled experimental evidence always overcomes theoretical evidence
  • Polynomial Regression

    Polynomial Regression
    An optimal design for Polynomial Regression is formed
  • Blinded tests

    Blinded tests
    Blinded tests become highly used in phycology
  • Thomas Chamberlin proposes a view

    Thomas Chamberlin proposes a view
    The use of mutliple hypothesis to assist in the design of experiments
  • Cimputer simulation

    Cimputer simulation
    First computer stimulation with help from the scientific practices
  • double blind test

    double blind test
    First conducted double blind experiment
  • Strong inference

    Strong inference
    Proposed idea of strong inference
  • Human genome

    Human genome
    The first draft of human genome is completed
  • Raymond Davis Jr.

    Raymond Davis Jr.
    detection of cosmic neutrinos, showing that neutrinos have mass
  • James Thomson

    James Thomson
    reprogrammed regular skin cells to behave just like embryonic stem cells.
  • Adam

    A robot scientists conducts an experiment
  • J. Craig Venter institute

    J. Craig Venter institute
    creates the first synthetic bacterial cell