history of video games

  • Arcades

    Ok this is the time where they had Arcades that was the big deal. Such as Dave and busters is a big one for us and also Main event. The big arcade machine was the pinball one.
  • The first game

    In New York a dude named Edward made a computer. Named Nim that was kinda like its own human. Its still being argued over who made the first game as most people say Pong was the first.
  • Another Game?

    So people start to get smarter on what their trying to develop in games. A guy named A.S. Douglas invented Tic-Tac-Toe.
  • Games on the TV for the first time

    A guy named Ralph created the Brown box. It basically was a video game prototype still in the making. I heard they invest over 2000 dollars in making it.
  • The Magnavox Odyssey launches

    The very first video"video" game was made called magnavox. This was made to help sell the brown box. They ended up selling over 350000.
  • The Nintendo Entertainment System

    So this was when Nintendo first launched its self. In the late 1800s this company was a playing card company. As time passed they wanted in on the video game industry.
  • improved tech

    This is the time that companies wanted it to were people can take their games anywhere with them. That would include mortal combat and Doom. And this concludes the end of the friendship of Sony and Nintendo.
  • 3D gaming

    So we got our gaming company that wanted to out do one another. They invested in 3d figures resulting in Sony coming out with the PlayStation. Then Nintendo created the Nintendo 64, but it still got dominated by Sony.
  • The best console comes out

    OK, everyone knows about the play station and Xbox on how famous they are. But when the Wii came out this actually got people to get up and moving. Which made it even more fun for family's.
  • Esports

    This is when people wanted to take gaming to the next level. So why not start being competitive and to show off the best gamers in the world.