Ps4 3

History of Video Games

  • Magnavox Oddesy

    introducing the frist in home gaming console
  • 2ND gen video games

    Having the atari's first ever console launching
  • first 3d graphics

    3d monster maze was the first game to be played at home with 3d vsual graphics
  • 3rd gen video games

    After video games got whack nintendo brought back the awesomeness with the nes in 1983
  • Nintendo

    nintendo realeases it's first console the nes nintendo entertainment system
  • Sony's first console

    the beggining to the beloved sony video game console
  • highest selling video game console

    the ps2 has the highest selling conslole record with 155 million units sold
  • first xbox

    sony's rival is born micrsofts xbox
  • first online gaming console

    first online gaming console
    the xbox though may not have had the most succsess had the first online network
  • most expensive console

    the wii supreme cost nearly 500,000!!!!