History of Weaponry (Part 1)

  • 9985 BCE

    Stone Weaponry

    Stone Weaponry
    Stone arrows
    Stone knives
    Wooden and weak bows
    Mostly made of wood and stone
  • 5000 BCE

    First Metal Weapons

    First Metal Weapons
    Used by the Sumerians and Akkadians
    Things like Swords, Spears, Maces, Clubs, Slings
    They also used Bows too...
    Mostly used Copper to make
  • 3000 BCE

    Advanced Weaponry (For their time)

    Advanced Weaponry (For their time)
    Hyksos invade Egypt…
    Recurve and composite bows
    Better Arrowheads
    Better Bronze weapons than most people during their time
    Even had horse-drawn chariots
    Advanced since they attacked Egypt, one of the greatest superpower of their time
  • 2800 BCE

    Naval Weaponry

    Naval Weaponry
    Egypt overthrew the Hyksos Government
    Boats were used to transport their troops
    Merchant ships turned into combat vessels
    Also used catapults and stone to destroy enemy boats
    Phonecians followed their footsteps and made the first galley with a battering ram to destroy other ships
  • 1600 BCE

    War Chariots

    War Chariots
    First Chariots used by the Egyptians for battle
    They borrowed the idea from the Hyksos

    Upgraded the chariots so that throwing and using projectiles might be easier.
  • 1500 BCE

    The Khopesh "Sickle" Sword

    The Khopesh "Sickle" Sword
    Shaped like a sickle
    Used by the Cannanaties in Mesopotamia
    Adopted by the Egyptians since they liked it
    Made with Bronze
  • 300 BCE

    The Gladius

    The Gladius
    Used by the Romans
    Used in battle and used in the Amphitheatre
    A deadly sharp weapon
    One of the earliest Iron Weapons