History of WW2 timeline #lukewashere

  • Benito Mussolini Creates Fascism

    Benito Mussolini Creates Fascism
    Mussolini was originally a revolutionary Socialist. He created the Fascist Party in 1919. He used it to later become prime minister and seize dictatorial power.
  • Adolf hitler

    Adolf hitler
    Adolf hitler came to power 30th of january 1933 pulling germany out of depression drasticly pulling gremany out out of the tight spot they once were origonally.
    Although hitler made "germany great again" he focused the hatred of the german of people onto Z jews.
  • Concentration camp

    Concentration camp
    Between the years of 1933 and 1939 concentration camps were used for the nazies to torture jews and any other individual who acted against the fascist leader adolf hitler.
    Theses camps were used to work jews with constant hours of labor until death or soon latter used for test subjects.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were introduced on September 15, 1935. they were atisemitic laws in Nazi Germany. The laws made predjudice rules against Jewish citizens.
  • Neutrality Act is passed

    Neutrality Act is passed
    Congress passed the Neutrality Act of 1939. It included a cash-and-carry provision. This allowed nations to buy goods and arms in the US if they pay cash and carry the goods to their own ship.
  • Land-Lease Act

    The Land-Lease Act provided aid to foriegn countries during WWII.
    It was passed under Congress in 1941.
  • The atlantic charter

    The atlantic charter
    The alantic charter brought Britain and America together in a joint declaration which set the same post wart vision for america and britain.
  • D-Day

    Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Omaha to fight against the Germans. The soldiers had won and took an important step in winning the war. The battle was important because the Allies gained a toehold in France, and were on their way to the capital of Germany.
  • Dwight Eisenhower

    Dwight was a General in the time of D-Day. He later became the United States President during the 1950's.
  • Kamikaze

    Kamikazing is a battle tactic where japanese fill their planes with explosives and dive bomb them into US ships in hopes to cause as much as possible.
  • Harry S. Truman

    Truman became Prseident after FDR passed away before end of term. He ended the war and decided post-war agreements.