History on Elections

  • George Washington election

    George Washington election
    when George Washington was elected president only white men who owned property could vote.
  • 12th amendment

    12th amendment
    the 12th amendment improved the process whereby a President and a Vice President are elected by the electoral college.
  • The election of 1804

    The election of 1804
    The election of 1804 was the first election in which the electors voted for president and vice president on separate ballots.
  • the election of 1824

    the election of 1824
    the election of 1824 was the second and last election decided by the House of Representatives.
  • Federal law of 1845

    Federal law of 1845
    the congress passed a federal law designated the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.
  • voting on November

    voting on November
    voting is held on November because during the 1800's most people were farmers and if voting was during spring it would interfere with the planting season and late summer would overlap with harvest therefore November was the perfect month.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    prohibited states from denying a male citizen the right to vote based on their "race,color,or previous condition of servitude."
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Women got the right to vote when the 19th amendment was passed by the congress.
  • Joint Resolution

    Joint Resolution
    the congress believed that senators of the united states should be elected directly by the voters.
  • 26th amendment

    26th amendment
    any citizen 18 or older has the right to vote.