
History Timeline

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  • 200


    He was greek educated egyptian geographer and astronomer who created a map of a round world.
  • Jan 1, 1001


    Were the first to discover America. Leaf Ericsson and his crew founded Newfoundland with 35 other crew members. But the Native Americans drove them out.
  • Mar 10, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    He was an englishman who explored North America for England, he was sent by the king of England. He was supposed to find the westerb route to Asia but he landed in Nova Scotia.
  • Mar 13, 1499

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Amerigo Vespucci
    An italian who repeated Columbus voyages in 1499 and 1501. He discovered that was thought to be Asia was actualy the Americas, which was named after him.
  • Jan 13, 1513

    Vaso de Balboa

    Vaso de Balboa
    Was the first European to reach the pacific coast of America.
  • Feb 25, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Hernan Cortes lead an expedition to the Yucatan Peninsula to find slaves who could work on the farms and mines in Cuba. Him and his group had a technological advantage over the people they conquered in the Yucatan Peninsula. Cortes took over the Aztec empire and drove most of the people out.
  • Feb 12, 1520

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Ferdinand Magellan
    Magellan and his crew was the first known peope to sai around the world.
  • Feb 25, 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazano

    Giovanni da Verrazano
    Was sent by the king of France to map North America's coastline , he mapped the coastline form North Carolina to Newfoundland.
  • Feb 25, 1526

    Francisco Pizarro

    Francisco Pizarro
    He was an conquistador who conquered the Inca empire and exlpored Peru.
  • Feb 25, 1540

    Hernando de Soto

    Hernando de Soto
    Did a large expedition into the region north of Florida, he explored todays North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, and Texas. Throughout their expedition him and his group of men killed many Native Americans and raided their villages for their goods.
  • Mar 10, 1560

    Walter Raleigh

    Walter Raleigh
    He was an englishman who sent an expedition that established a colony in Roanoke.
  • Puritans

    They were basically people who wanted to purify the Angelican Church of all Catholic elements.They also wanted every congregation to appoint its own leaders rather than having the king do that.
  • Separatist

    A group of Puritans that broke away from the Anglican church to form their own congregations
  • Mercantilism

    It is a set of ideas about the world economy and how it works, it's also a belief that a country's wealth is measured by the amount of gold and silver it possesed.
  • Powhatan Confederacy

    Powhatan Confederacy
    Native American group that lived in the area of Jamestown, who helped the Jamestown colony to survive when it was deminishing.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    He was hired by the Dutch to find a route through North America to the Pacific. Hudson also explored the Hudson river valley and the Dutch claimed, which they called New Netherland.
  • Squanto

    A Native American man who taught the English about their new enviornment, how to fish ,hunt and how to grow corn.
  • burgesses

    It was repersentatives to Virginia legislative body , it was 20 repersentatives total. To attract more settlers to Virginia they started the headrights system.
  • John Winthrop

    John Winthrop
    A wealthy attorney who was a stockholder in the Massachussets Bay company, he was also a Puritan.
  • Massachussets Bay company

    Massachussets Bay company
    Stockholding company that was full of wealthy puritans, itd goal was to get many charters in America.
  • Anne Hutchison

    Anne Hutchison
    She was a widely admired charismatic Puritan woman, and she started to say some ministers were't as holy as they seemed. She also stated she was spoken to by god and that was against the Puritan belief and she was therefore banned and later moved to Pocasset.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    Was a war between the armies of the English Parliament and those of the English.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    He was a commander of Parliaments army who seized power in England.
  • Restoration

    Parliament made King Charles son, Charles II to take the throne which became known to be the restoration.
  • William Berkely

    William Berkely
    He was the governor of Virginia
  • Staple Act

    Staple Act
    It was another navigation law Parliament passed
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    Was a a Quaker and also a friend to the king, he had received land between New York and Maryland. Which became a refuge for the Quaklers.
  • Quakers

    They beleived that everyone had their own right to find God in their own way, there was no need for church or ministers to help them with that. They objected anything violent or war related, they also objected religious and political authority.
  • James II

    James II
    Was a king who succeeded his brother charles to the english throne. He enacted harsh rules that angered everyone in New England.
  • Dominion of New England

    Dominion of New England
    It was a merging of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Rhode Island that New England created to make a new royal province.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He was a philosopher , and he believed everyone was born with natural rights. He also believed that if a government violated people's rights the people were than justified in changing the government. His ideas influenced many American colonists.
  • Triangular trade

    Triangular trade
    The three-way trade New England merchants established with the Carribean colonies. Other three way trades was New England would trade rum to British merchants in exchange for British goods.
  • James Oglethrope

    James Oglethrope
    Georgia was founded by Oglethrope, he was also a wealthy general that was a member of the Parliament. Georgia was a placve where the English could go to start over.
  • Cotton Mather

    Cotton Mather
    Puritan leader who helped inoculate Bostonians against smallpox.
  • Johnathan Edwards

    Johnathan Edwards
    Preacher of the Great Awakening
  • Enlightment

    a movement that challenged the authority of the church in science and philosophy while elavating the power of human reason.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    it was a rebellion in which the enslaved africans went against white slaveholders in South Carolina.
  • Eliza Lucas

    Eliza Lucas
    discovered suitable conditions for growing indigo, which became an important cash crop for South Carolina.
  • Indentured Servant

    Indentured Servant
    It's a person who agreed to work for an employer in the clonies in exchange for a passage to America.
  • Artisans

    They were skilled workers who knew how to manafacture various goods.
  • John Hancock

    John Hancock
    He was one of many people who were arrested for smuggling and tried by the vice-admiralty court. He made a lot of money off of the sugar trade, in which he smuggled molasses from French colonies in the Caribbean.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    He was a lawyer who defended John Hancock, who was also Sam Adams second cousin.
  • George Grenville

    George Grenville
    Became the prime minister and first lord of Treasury, he was trying to find a way to reduce Britian's debt and pay for the 10,000 British troops that were stationed in in North America.
  • James Otis

    James Otis
    He wrote a pamphlet against the sugar act, he argued that since the colonists had no representatives in Parliament, they shouldn't be taxed to raise money.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    They encouraged colonists to boycott British goods.
  • Selectmen

    They were men who were chosen to manage the towns affairs and they were elected annually.
  • Capitalists

    They were people who had money to invest in new businesses
  • Bills of exchange

    Bills of exchange
    It was credit slips English merchants gave the planters in exchange for their sugar.
  • Entrepreneurs

    Business people who risked their money by buying land, equipment , suppplies and then selling them to immigrants for profits.
  • Patriots

    They were british tyrants
  • Loyalists

    They were Americans who backed up the British
  • William Howe

    William Howe
    general and commander of the British troops
  • Minutemen

    a special unit of the militia trained to fight at a minute's notice
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    The patriots sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to spread the alarm, and Revere reached Lexington by midnight and warned the people that the British were coming.
  • Pennsylvania Dutch

    Pennsylvania Dutch
    German immigrants in Pennsylvania
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    it was a battle that helped build americas confidence, it showed that the colonial militia could stand up to one of the world's most feared armies.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    It was a petition sent to the king , that was written by John Dickison, and it stated that the colonies were still loyal to the king and it asked George III to call of hostilities until the situation could be handled peacefully.
  • Nathan Hale

    Nathan Hale
    American spy on the British who was caught and hanged
  • Charles Cornwallis

    Charles Cornwallis
    British general who led troops in the Southern campaign
  • John Paul Jones

    John Paul Jones
    naval commander in one of the most famous naval battles of the War for Independence
  • Junipero Serra

    Junipero Serra
    He took control over California by establishing a chain of missions from San Diego to San Francisco.