History Timeline 1700- 1850! By: Kiara

  • 1498

    EXTRA- John Cabot disappeared in May 1498.

    EXTRA-  John Cabot disappeared in May 1498.
    John Cabot diapered in May 1498. He was an explorer and went on an adventure to discover North America without telling anyone. He calmed land in Canada for England
  • Event: Peace Treaty

    Event: Peace Treaty
    The Treaty of Peace is signed between the French and the Iroquois confederacy.The American Revolution was then settled in peace.
  • Event: Treaty of Utrecht

    Event:  Treaty of Utrecht
    The Treaty Of Utrecht was signed. The British got/owned the French land. Basically the Treaty Of Utrecht was multiple peace treaties and agreements rather than just one document.
  • Event: Fort Rouille was founded in Toronto.

    Event: Fort Rouille was founded in Toronto.
    Fort Toronto was built and it helped the French build alliance with the First Nations.
  • Event: New England forces seize Louisbourg.

    Event: New England forces seize Louisbourg.
    New England forces a seize and causes lots of conflict. Then in 1745 on June 15 Fortress Of Louisbourg surrendered to the English.
  • Event: Seven Years War started

    Event: Seven Years War started
    The official beginning of the Seven Years war in 1754. There was many battles and lots of fighting before that. So potentially the war actually consisted for nine years but is officially only seven years.
  • Event: Acadians were deported and forced to leave.

    The Acadians had no voice in where they could go some were just dropped of at randoms ports in the 13 colonies. Many were dropped off in Louisiana, that's why there is a huge Acadian population in Louisiana to this day.
  • Event: The Seven Years War between Great Britain and France begins.

    Event: The Seven Years War between Great Britain and France begins.
    The Years War began between Great Britain and France. After the Acadians were deported. Some battles were fought in the 13 colonies. The battle of the Plains of Abraham was a huge part of the Seven years War and it had an enormous impact. British invasion force led by General James Wolfe was defeated by French troops under the Marquis de Montcalm. Both officers died in battle.
  • Event: Treaty Of Paris

    In 1763 New France became a British ruled colony( apart of Canada) called Quebec. Then Alliances Of Natives and British were formed.
  • Quebec Act was signed in 1754.

    The British were very broke from the Seven Years War and could not afford more fighting. So they made a compromise with the French that they could have all of Lower Canada and they could keep specific for themselves. The Quebec Act gave French Canadians complete civil law, language, culture, religion, and much more. But they did not allow the French to have their own criminal law.
  • Event: American Revolution begins.

    American Revolution began in order to gain independence for Great Britain and to control the 13 colonies. The Americans got furious because they disliked the stamp and townshend act that the British created, so they rebelled.
  • Event: The American Revolution ended And Treaty Of Paris

    After the American Revolution ended America became an independent country. Laws and rules were put into place when the United States were established. The treaty of Paris ended the revolutionary war and represents Canada. It was signed by Paris by King george III.
  • Event: British Attack (Laura Secord’s help) And war of 1812

    Event: British Attack (Laura Secord’s help) And war of 1812
    Laura Secord warned the British troops about the Americans sneak attack they had been planning. She risk her life and walked 30 km in the dead of winter on American territory where she could have been killed. The war of 1812 lasted for 2 years (1812-1814). It was a military conflict between the U.S and Great Britain.
  • Event: Immigration After the War of 1812

    it was a hard time for the new imagrants they struggled through many problems. They got verry sick on there way to the 13 colonies because of the crowed ships and no medical attention. Not to mention it was not like the fancy cruise ships we have in our day it was a cargo ship used to transfer goods. These were very harsh sleeping and eating conditions.
  • Event: Rebellions Of Upper and lower Canada

    The Rebellion of Upper and Lower Canada was the rebellions in each colony The revolt in Lower Canada was much more important out of the two. However they both lead to the Union The first Battle was St. Denis Date: Nov 23 1837
    The second Battle was St. Charles Date: Nov 25 1837
    The third Battle was St. Eustache Date: Dec 14 1837.
  • Event: British North America Act #1 also known as Union Act

    Event: British  North America Act #1 also known as Union Act
    Union Act- Union Act united Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada.
  • Canada separation changes!

    Canada is no longer Upper and Lower Canada it has evolved into North, east, West, and South. And has been divided into provinces and territories.
  • EXTRA- British North America Act #2

    The British North America British North America Act number 2, also known as the constitution Act. The Constitution Act united all provinces into the country of Canada.