History Timeline-NickJernstedt

  • President Taylor dies

    President Taylor dies
    President Taylor dies on July 9 and is succeeded by Vice President Millard Fillmore. Although he is a New Yorker, Fillmore is more inclined to compromise with or even support Southern interests
  • Henry Clay

    Henry Clay
    Henry Clay proposes the Compromise of 1850 to handle California's petition for admission to the union as a free state and Texas's demand for land in New Mexico
  • Sherman Booth Arrested

    Sherman Booth Arrested
    Abolitionist editor Sherman Booth was arrested for violating the Fugitive Slave Act when he helped incite a mob to rescue an escaped slave
  • Eli Thayer

    Eli Thayer
    Eli Thayer forms the New England Emigrant Aid Society to encourage settlement of Kansas by persons opposed to slavery
  • Anthony Burns

    Anthony Burns
    Anthony Burns is a fugitive slave from Virginia and is arrested by federal agents in Boston. Abolitionists attack the court house and kill a deputy marshal in an unsuccessful attempt to free Burns
  • John Browns son kills pro slavery men

    John Browns son kills pro slavery men
    John Brown, an abolitionist born in Connecticut, and his sons kill five pro-slavery men from Pottawatomie Creek in retaliation for the Sacking of Lawrence.
  • Lawerence Kansas Burned down

    Lawerence Kansas Burned down
    Missouri Ruffians and local pro-slavery men sack and burn the anti-slavery town of Lawrence, Kansas
  • Depression

    In August, a short economic depression, the Panic of 1857, arises, mainly in large northern cities, as a result of speculation in and inflated values of railroad stocks and real estate
  • Lincoln

    Lincoln gives his Cooper Institute speech against the spread of slaver