Adolf hitler

Hitler and His Rise to Power

  • First Nazi Meeting

    First Nazi Meeting
    The first meeting was held at a large hall in Munich, arranged by Adolf Hitler. There were two thousand people who attended, including some Communists. This event was important because it was the benchmark for the grand Nazi Party, and during the meeting Hitler described the 'Twenty Five Points', which included rejections of the Treaty of Versailles, and discrimination against the Jews. The crowd was in an overwhelming favour, and the die had been cast for the fate of Germany.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    When Hitler wrote the book Mein Kampf, depicting his life story, it was revolutionary for the German people. They bought into his propaganda, and seeing the softer side of Hitler. This was important because it made him more well-liked, and seen more as a relatable human. This support would help him become Fuhrer of Germany later.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    When the stock market crashed, many Germans were left poor and jobless, desperate for a solution. Hitler provided that for them, giving them a new chance and many promises. He knew that to overthrow the democracy he needed to do it politically and legally. Elections were scheduled and the Nazi party made preparations. This event was important because it allowed Hitler to be noticed and aid his people, earning their trust and respect. A time of change was occuring in Germany.
  • Hitler for President

    Hitler for President
    In 1932 Hitler ran against the quickly-aging President Hindenburg, who reluctantly agreed to run in the first place. On April 10th, Hitler had an increase in 2 million votes, with a total of 36%. Even though Hitler lost, this was important because it showed the Germans that Hitler and his Nazi party were a lot more popular than orginally suspected, and that their raging fire could not be put out.
  • The Reichstag Burns

    The Reichstag Burns
    After a communist arsonist burns the Reichstag down, Hitler demands all Communists to be sent to prison, and any other political parties. This event aided Hitler because he eliminated the anti-Nazi parties, gaining full support through fear. He was able to place the blame on one particular party, which gave the people a scapegoat.
  • Hitler and his Dictatorship

    Hitler and his Dictatorship
    Now as a dictator he turned his attention to the reason for which he got involved in politics in the first place, his hatred of the Jews. It started with a boycott on April 1st, and would affect millions of lives in the coming years. This was important because Hitler now had power over Germany and abused it, resulting in the tragic Holocaust. His hatred of the Jewish peoples would lead to WWII, and Germany's tainted reputation once again.
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    During this time, Hitler's personal army went and attacked and arrested those who were against or defied the Nazi Party. He felt threatened, and worried that the army had not sworn oaths of allegiance to him. This is important because he eliminated his threats and opposition, and afterwards the army had to swear loyalty to Hitler.
  • The Death of Hindenburg

    The Death of Hindenburg
    After the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler was able to merge both the post of Chancellor and President. This event was pivotal because this gave Hitler extreme power, and the ability to begin his Dictatorship as Germany's new Fuhrer with no one to oppose him and an entire group of Nazis backing him up.
  • March into Rhineland

    March into Rhineland
    Even though the signed Treaty of Versailles stated that Germany was not allowed wihtin 50km of the Rhine River, the soldiers advanced into Rhineland without complications. Britain and France instead choose to appease Germany in order to avoid an outbreak of war. This was important because they are treating Germany like a little kid that wants a cookie and are not stopping him from just taking one. Therefore Germany continues to rebel, and not taking any actions will come back to haunt them.
  • The Pact of Steel

    The Pact of Steel
    Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union created a pact of Alliance, referred to as the Pact of Steel. This led to the creation of the Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan. This event is quite notable because this aided both countries with regards to poilitics and military, and created one side of allies in the upcoming war.