
Hitler's path to power

  • Hitler joining WW1

    Hitler joining WW1
    When the war broke out, Hitler enlisted as soon as he could to help fight for Germany. Hitler joining the war was an important moment because during the war, he built and outlined his character, and learned after the long hours spent thinking, that he hated the Jewish people.
  • Hitler joining the Working party

    The Working party of Germany was a small political group which discussed their beliefs and ambitions. Hitler was sent to investigate the group known as the Working party, when he did so, he got caught up in the middle of a debate where it was desided that he could be an important member to their group. This is an important moment because this was his first main step into a political group allowing him to express his thoughts and gain early supporters.
  • Nazi party is created

    Nazi party is created
    The Nazi party was a group of people who shared the same beliefs as Hitler, this party was built off the older group known as the Working party. This is an important moment because the Nazi party which was helped to be created by Hitler, later became his group of supporters in power.
  • Hitler as the Nazi party leader

    Hitler as the Nazi party leader
    Hitler stated that he would resign. The party understood that without him as a member of their party, they would end. Hitler came back and demanded that he become the chairman to the Nazi party, and givern the powers of a dictator. This is important because him becoming the leader of the Nazi party, gave him effectiveness over speaking and convincing large crowds, and allowing him to have a powerfull group of men to support him and have controll over.
  • Hitlers book "Mein Kampf"

    Hitlers book "Mein Kampf"
    After Hitlers time in his cell, all of his ideas and debates were placed in a book known as Mein Kampf. This is important because in his book, he states his future plans for Germany, and his beliefs about superior cultures. His book allowed the people of Germany to understand Hitlers idea for a new Germany, and would later make Hitler significant profit as the dictator.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    Durinng the years of 1921 to 1923, the Nazi party ended up prompting Hitler to attempt to take over Germany, they felt it was their time to act due to the enraged German people mainly directed towards France. This is an important moment because this hall, is where Hitler declared his first show of power, and stated that he wishes to take over the government. After the show of power, all the people within the hall became supporters of the Nazi revolution.
  • Hitler put on trial for treason

    Hitler put on trial for treason
    After Hitlers statement that he wished to take over the government of Germany, Hitler was accused and put on trial. This is an important moment because during his trial, the judge gave him the right to speak as he pleases. During this time, Hitler portrayed the government of Germany as the traitors and that he would be the revolution, to the revolution. During his time in his cell, he continued to discuss his ideas which would later be remembered and placed inside a book for the public to read.
  • Nazi party elected

    Nazi party elected
    During the time of Germany's great depression, Hitler and the Nazi party seemed to be the solution. All classes of people were appealed by Hitlers promises, which is why the Nazi party won the election earning 6,371,000 votes. This is an important moment for Hitlers gain of power because his official party came into control over Germany. With Hitlers party in charge, they now had a larger place in power over the common people which would lead to the Nazi party terrorising the Jewish families.
  • Hitler running for president

    Hitler running for president
    Hitlers opposition for president would be the man known as President Hindenburg. Hitler and the Nazi party made many appearences to aid their campain, whereas Hindenburg essentially did nothing because he believed he could win on his reputation alone. This is an important moment because even though Hitler didin't win his election, he gained many supporters and gained a considerable amount of votes. Hindenburg was soon to pass on, and Hitler already put unease within the opposition.
  • Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler as the Chancellor
    After all of Hitlers political speeches and propagandas used, he finally gained an extreemly high seat in power. This is important because the president at this time would have majority of control over the military, but as the Chancellor, Hitler gained power over parliament as well as the military. This would be the start of Hitlers ability to change the German laws. At this point in time, Hitler was known the the leader of Germany.