Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler takes over Germany with the jew population being 566,000.
  • Jews aren't allowed to have health Insurance

    The Jews started to lose their rights because of Hitler.
  • Nazi's ban jews from joining the military

    Nazi's ban jews from joining the military
    The jews are getting banned from several different things due to discrimination and injustice.
  • Death shed is established

    A death shed was established to guard concentration camps
  • Nazi's enter Austria

    Nazi's enter Austria
    Nazi troops enter Austria with a population of about 200,000 jews, and most of those 200,000 were living in Vienna
  • Great Britain and France declare war

    Great Britain and France declare war
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany and this year also marks the year the U.S. entered World War II
  • Nazi's choose a new place

    Nazi's choose a new place
    The Nazi's chose a new place for a concentration camp, Auschwitz.
  • Hans Franks says..

    "I Have nothing of the jews they should just go away."
  • Mass killing of jews

    They used Nyklon-B to kill the Jews
  • First Jews

    First Jews
    The first trainload of jews arrived this March on the 30th day 1942.
  • The New York Times reports

    Nazi's so far have gunned 100,000 in the Baltic States, 100,000 in Poland and twice as much in Russia.
  • Jews ordered to wear stars

    Jews ordered to wear stars
    The Nazi's made the Jews wear stars so they could see them.
  • The number of jews killed

    The number of jews killed
    The number of jews killed rises to about 1,000,000 and the Nazi's then try and dig up the bodies and burn them to hide it.
  • 200 Jews escape

    200 Jews escape
    200 of the jews escaped the camp and they later found out and hunted each and every one down one by one.
  • Jews arrive at Auschwitz

    Jews from Hungary arrive at Auschwitz, a reported 100,000 had been gassed to death at this point.
  • D-Day

    Allied landings in Normandy on the coast of northern France
  • The Nazi's conducted death marches

    they constructed death marches of concentration camp inmates from outlying areas.
  • Americans freed inmantes

    The Americans freed 33,000 jews from the camps
  • Saved Jews

    Swedish Diplomat saved more than 33,000 jews.
  • The Danish Underground helps jews

    This underground helped 7,220 jews to safety.