
How did England become a Constitutional Monarchy?

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    How did England become a Constitutional Monarchy?

    In 1625, James I died.Charles I, his son, took the throne.Charles always needed money, in part because he was at war with both Spain and France.By 1628, Charles was forced to call Parliament again.This time it refused to grant him any money until he signed a document that is known as the Petition of Right.In 1629, Charles dissolved Parliament and refused to call it back into session.To get money, he imposed all kinds of fees and fines on the English people.His popularity decreased year by year.
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    Monarchs Defy Parliament

    In 1625, James I died.Charles I, his son, took the throne.Charles always needed money, in part because he was at war with both Spain and France.By 1628, Charles was forced to call Parliament again.This time it refused to grant him any money until he signed a document that is known as the Petition of Right.In 1629, Charles dissolved Parliament and refused to call it back into session.To get money, he imposed all kinds of fees and fines on the English people.His popularity decreased year by year.