Identification and Eligibility Changes

  • PL-94-142

    This Act assures that all handicapped children have available to them a free appropriate public education which emphasizes special education and related services.
  • The Behavior Rating Profile

    Evaluation of student's behaviors that is standardized, reliable, valid, and norm-referenced. Scales are provided by teacher, student, and parents.
  • EBD Eligibility Checklist

    The Oregon Department of Education created a checklist to assist educators in considering eligiblilty for students as EBD.
  • The Waksman Social Skills Rating Scale

    Compares a target student with a normative sample for identification or classification. Two behavior domains, aggressive and passive, are addressed on a set of 21 items.
  • Hoover and Collier

    When assessing a student for emotional and behavior challenges, the behaviors specific to the student's culture need to be identified.
  • Social Skills Rating System

    Focuses on social behaviors that are relavant to successful interpersonal and academic functioning. Used for children in preschool through high school and obtains a comprehensive picture of behaviors across settings.
  • Conners's Teacher Rating Scale, Conners's Parent Rating Scale

    Scales used by teachers and parents to provide a comparison of the child to levels of appropriate normative groups.
  • Walker and McConnell's Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment

    A behavior rating scale for elementary and adolescents. The elementary version measures peer-related, interpersonal social skills, and adaptive behavior. The adolescent scale measures self control, peer relations, school adjustment, and empathy.
  • Whirlpool Phenomenon

    The mismatch between teaching practices and cognitive styles may cause inappropriate and irresponsible behavior in students due to emotional distress.
  • IDEA Amendments 1997

    Special education evaluations and reevaluations must include information about the special education, related services, and strategies necessary for a student with a disability to participate and progress in the general curriculum.
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children

    5 components include: child self report, parent rating scale, teacher rating scale, a structured developmental history, classroom observation. The scales assess external and internal problems, school problems, atypicality, withdrawal, and adaptive skills.
  • Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale

    Identifies a student's emotional and behavior strengths in 5 domains: interpersonal, family involvement, intrapersonal, school functioning, and affective strengths.
  • Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

    Conferences for PBIS began to share information for school wide supports.
  • IDEA 2004

    The requirement for Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavioral Intervention Plans are maintained in the discipline provisions