Immigration History

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Chinese laborers were prohibited entry into the United States. Chinese students were still allowed into the country.
  • Contract Labor Law

    Contract Labor Law
    This act prohibited the importation of undocumented immigrants for labor, or contract labor.
  • Smith Act

    Smith Act
    Requires that all immigrants above or at the age of 14 be fingerprinted.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order to place people of Japanese decent in internment camps, in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
  • The Magnuson Act

    The Magnuson Act
    Repeals the Chinese Exclusion Act and Chinese immigrants become eligible for citizenship.
  • The Displaced Persons Act

    The Displaced Persons Act
    During World War II this act allowed certain groups of European refugees into the United States.
  • Public Education

    Public Education
    In Texas undocumented children were denied education. The Supreme Court ruled that everyone deserves a free public education.
  • IRCA

    Immigration reform that legalizes undocumented immigrants living in the United States since 1982.
  • 1990 Immigration Act

    1990 Immigration Act
    This act increased the quota for the amount of immigrants to enter the United States from 500,000 to 700,000.
  • Proof of Citizenship

    Proof of Citizenship
    In 1996, Arizona legislation passed a law that all people wanting to get a driver's license must prove that they are United States citizens.
  • Arizona Proposition 203

    Arizona Proposition 203
    In 2000, bilingual education is banned from schools in Arizona.
  • Dream Act

    Dream Act
    Bill introduced into the senate but was rejected. This bill would grant legal status to children who came into the United States unwillingly.
  • Arizona Proposition 200

    Arizona Proposition 200
    Voters must provide proof of citizenship in order to vote.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    People can be pulled over or questioned about their legal status under "reasonable suspicion."
  • DACA

    This policy defers deportation and grants legal status temporarily for children under the age of 16, who meet certain requirements.