immigration in the usa

By keys734
  • African arrival in viginia

    *20 africans
    *exchanged for food
    *sold in jamestown
    *started slave trend
  • plymouth colony

    *1st settlement was at new Plymouth
    *founded 1620
    .*dissolved 1691
    *named by captain john smith
  • naturalization of 1790

    *1st laws of granting national citizenship
    *excluded slaves blacks and Asians
    *children born at sea could be citizens
    *father must be a citizen for a child to be a citizen
  • potato famine

    *locate In Ireland
    *lasted from 1845-1852
    *the population dropped by 25%
    *1 million immigrated fom ireland
  • naturalization of 1906

    *immigrants must learn English
    *was repealed
    *replaced by Nationality Act of 1940
  • emergency quota act

    *known as the immigration restriction act
    *lead to national origins formula
    * immigrants admitted fell from 805,228 in 1920 to 309,556 in 1921
  • imigration inationality act

    *known as the Hart–Celler Act
    * abolished the quota system
    *put restrictions on visas at 170,000 per year
  • immigration reform and control act

    *known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act
    *signed into law by Ronald Reagan
    *reformed United States immigration law