
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    When the Chinese tried to stop the smuggling of opium, britain won
  • Great Trek

    Great Trek
    When several thousand boers began to move north to escape the british
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    When the British beat the Chinese in the opium wars this treaty was made. It granted Britain money and Hong Kong
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    when the sepoys (indian soldiers) rebelled against the British, and the british stoped the rebellion within a year
  • Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India

    Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India
    when Queen Victoria became Empress of India, this gave Britain more control over India
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    when the boers fought the brittish because they took over their territory, eventually the british won
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    When the republic rebelled against the Qing dynasty and won, created a democracy