
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    It marked the end of the Opium Wars and was the Treaty of Peace, Commerce, and Friendship between China, Great Britain, and Ireland.
  • Matthew C. Perry in Japan

    Matthew C. Perry in Japan
    He sailed to Japan for the United States of America to open up trade between each other. It was called the Kanagawa Treaty trade agreement.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Sepoy Rebellion
    It was the widespread, but unfortunately unsuccessful, rebellion of the Indian during 1857-1858. It began in Meerut by the Indian troops that served Great Britain (sepoys). It was India's first war of independence from Great Britain.
  • British Raj Founded

    British Raj Founded
    The British Raj was the Crown of Britain in India it ruled between 1858 and 1847. Queen Victoria proclaimed herself empress of the Indian subcontinent so power from the East India Company was moved to her.
  • Suez Canal Built

    Suez Canal Built
    The Suez Canal was controlled by the British because they wanted that canal to get to India easier. Before they had to go all the way around Africa or travel on land, but the SUez Canal connected the Red and Mediterranean Sea
  • Boer War

    Boer War
    The Boers (Afrikaners) were descendants of the Dutch farmers that had settled in South Africa. In 1910,included Transvaal, the Orange Free State, the Cape of Good Hope, and Natal as provinces. Related Videos
  • Panama Canal Built

    Panama Canal Built
    Theodore Roosevelt was president of the UNited States during this time (1903-1914). It was the United States' dream to build a trans-isthmian canal so they could have cheaper trade travel through the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.