Open door


By sfears
  • Opium in China

    Opium in China
    1800's- British smugglers sneak in opium into China, infuriating leaders and intoxicate public.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The Treaty of Najing granted British money and Hong Kong, but was only downhill for the Chinese.
  • Matthew Perry in Japan

    Matthew Perry in Japan
    On July 8, 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy, commanding a squadron of two steamers and two sailing vessels, sailed into Tokyo harbor aboard the frigate Susquehanna. He had traveled to open trade to the United States.
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    Indian soldiers rebel against the brits. Briish defeat them in a year.
  • Brits in India

    Brits in India
    British East India Company created and trades in India. Becomes richest and most powerful trading company in the world. Eat India Company CONTROLS India (Company controls, not Brits!). British call India "The Brightest Jewl in the Crown"
  • Japanese Modernization

    Japan begins their industrialization and modernization in the 1870's. Telegraph networks, railroads and port facilities allow Japan to become a more modern country of the day.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    United States creates the Open Door Policy. Creates trade ability to all nations so Chinese materials are availible everywhere.
  • Russo-Japanese war

    Japan wins the Russo-Japanese war, and annexes Korea, leading up to more industrialization.