Important Events For Education

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson was a Supreme Court decision that resulted in the "separate but equal" decision. It was constitutional for blacks and whites to have facilities with the same quality. This then led to fifty years of racial segregation in the United States.
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  • Measurement Movement

    Measurement Movement
    This movement was formed to help figure out if a student has special needs and needs more help in a classroom. This movement involved many different methods to find a child's IQ. Because of this movement, students were able to get the help they needed.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    This was a movement with a goal to end the long struggle that black African Americans had to deal with. It was an effort to end racial discrimination and for the African Americans to obtain equal rights.
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    This was a decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court that finally ruled that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. This event helped the idea that separate but equal actually was not equal.
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  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    The National Defense Education Act was a law passed that provided funding for education institutions at every level. This helped to fund higher education which benefited colleges and universities.
  • Head Start Programs

    Head Start Programs
    Head Start was a program created to promote early childhood education and provide support for families with lower incomes.
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  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    This act was passed to help fund better learning environments and the resources that provide the best support for educational programs. It funded the materials for teachers and promoted the involvement of parents in students' education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX was a law passed to protect discrimination based on sex. It was passed so a person, based on their sex, would not be excluded from activities under any educational program or any activity that gets Federal Finance assistance.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    This was a law that ensured free and available education for students with disabilities. It guarantees that students with disabilities will have special education programs provided for them.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This act required that all teachers must be highly qualified in what they teach. The No Child Left Behind Act was meant to hold schools and teachers accountable for the education children were receiving.