Independence Movement in Africa (Kenya & Nigeria)

  • Kenya Lost their Independence

    Kenya Lost their Independence
    The Imperial British East Africa Trading Company was awarded to start development in settling and trading in Kenya. This was the day Kenyans lost their independence.
  • Nigeria Sectioned Off

    Nigeria Sectioned Off
    Nigeria was a politically recognized nation and was divided into three sections for administrative purposes. They are now the Northern province, Southern Province, and The Lagos Province.
  • Road to Independence

    Road to Independence
    The Mau Mau Rebellion. They did violent attacks on the white settlers and colonial leaders. During the event 32 white settlers, 200 British police and army soldiers were killed. Over 1,800 African civilians died and over 20,000 Mau Mau Rebels were killed.
  • Gained Independence

    Gained Independence
    In 1957, the British allowed for the first direct elections of native leader to the Legislative Council. By the 1960's Africans became he majority in the council. Over the next few years they worked their way with the white settlers to becoming independent. That's when in 1963 they made a constitution that allowed elections to be held and Jomo Kenyatta who got released from prison in 1961 was chosen to be the first prime minister of the new nation.
  • Bicameral Legislature

    Bicameral Legislature
    Conferences being held for the transition of Kenya becoming independent help create the the bicameral legislature with elections held that May.
  • New Opposition

    New Opposition
    Jomo Kenyatta banned a new opposition party so he could run unopposed.
  • Kenyans Won

    Kenyans Won
    By 2010 the Kenyans got their bill of right's and then in 2011 four older Kenyans won their right to sue the British Government in British court for harm to the Mau Mau Rebellion.
  • War Now

    War Now
    Nigeria is fighting at a war with themselves currently with elections rising and the pre-violence happening while the election is going on.