independens revolution

  • Slave revolt

    A slave rebellion is an armed uprising by slaves. Slave rebellions have occurred in nearly all societies that practice slavery or have practiced slavery in the past.
  • Influence of US independence and the French Revolution. Napoleon names king of Spain

    A las causas hay que sumar los hechos que precipitaron la independencia. Uno de ellos es que el 5 de mayo de 1808 Napoleón encarceló a Carlos IV y a su hijo Fernando VII y los obligó a abdicar en su favor.
  • Quito independence

    Quito independence
    The Quito Revolution occurs on August 10, 1809 and quickly establishes the first Creole constitution, which liberates the city of Quito
  • The first Junta de Buenos Aires

    The Primera Junta or First Assembly is the most common name given to the first independent government of Argentina.
  • May revolution

    May revolution
    Se trató de un impulso de largo aliento que se concentró en una serie de acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en lo que dura una semana, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires
  • The Battle of Las Piedras

    The battle of Las Piedras was the first important triumph of José Gervasio Artigas at the command of the patriot army of the Junta Grande de las Virreinato de España in the territory of the Banda Oriental.
  • Liberation of Mérida and Caracas

    The Admirable Campaign was a military action framed within Venezuela's war of independence. It was commanded by Simón Bolívar, supported militarily and economically by the government of the United Provinces of New Granada and achieved the emancipation of western Venezuela, integrated at that time by the provinces of Mérida, Barinas, Trujillo and Caracas.
  • Provinces of South America

    Otra iniciativa federalista fue liderada por el general José de San Martín, quien impulsó el Congreso de Tucumán, que fundó las Provincias Unidas de América del Sur (9-07-1816)
  • Independence of Chile

    Independence of Chile
    San Martin was not discouraged and decided to continue with his plans, only now he first had to liberate Chile.
  • The battle of the Pantano de Vargas

    The Battle of Pantano de Vargas was an armed confrontation that was fought in what is now known as Pantano de Vargas, in the township of the municipality of Paipa, in present-day Boyacá; on the night of the 24th and the early morning, morning and afternoon of July 25, 1819
  • War Regularization Treaty

    Resultados de traducción
    En el marco de la conmemoración del bicentenario de la Independencia de Colombia, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el tratado de regularización de la guerra suscrito en 1820 entre españoles y republicanos
  • Mexico's independence

    Mexico's independence
    The process of Mexican independence began with the Grito de Dolores
  • Venezuela's independence

    Venezuela's independence
    On 5 July 1811, seven of the ten provinces of the Captaincy General of Venezuela declared their independence in the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence.
  • Independence of Peru

    Together with O'Higgins, and with 200,000 pesos that he obtained from Buenos Aires, San Martín managed to buy a naval squadron to attack the Spaniards in Peru by sea.
  • Meetings in Guayaquil

    En sus reuniones en Guayaquil (26 y 27-07-1822), Bolívar, libertador y presidente de la Gran Colombia, y San Martín, protector del Perú, hablaron de lo que faltaba para completar la libertad de Améric
  • Battle of Junín

    Battle of Junín
    The battle of Junín was one of the last confrontations that the royalist and patriotic armies had in the process of the independence of Peru, on August 6, 1824.
  • The battle of Ayacucho

    The  battle of  Ayacucho
    The battle of Ayacucho was the last great confrontation within the land campaigns of the Spanish-American wars of independence (1809-1826) and signified the definitive end of the Hispanic viceregal administrative dominance in South America.
  • Independence of The Oriental Republic of Uruguay

    Uruguay became independent of Spain in 1811 and was annexed by Brazil until 1825. Following a three-year federation with Argentina, Uruguay became an independent nation in 1828.
  • Death of Saint Martin

    A year later, discouraged by the death of his wife and the internal fights between Unitarians and Federals, he emigrated to Europe, where he died in 1850.
  • Independence of Cuba

    Independence of Cuba
    José Martí organizes the Cuban Revolutionary Party and looks for the old leaders of the revolution, unifies the different currents, builds a small army,and disembarks in Cuba.