Indian and Persian time line

  • 232

    Ashoka's reign ended

    The 2nd ruler of the Mauryan empire Ashoka Chandragupta's son Ashoka's reign ended at 232 BC
  • 270

    Ashoka took power of the Mauryan Empire

    Chandragupta's grandson Ashoka took power of the Mauryan empire in 270 B.C.
  • 301

    Chandragupta's reign ended

    Chandragupta ruler of the Mauryan empire his reign ended at 301 BC.
  • 320

    Beginning of the Mauryan empire at 320 BC

    A soldier named Chandragupta Maurya started the Mauryan empire, the first Indian empire
  • 331

    The end of the Persian empire

    The end of the Persian empire took place at 331 BC it was destroyed by Alexander the Great.
  • 360

    Chandragupta Maurya was born

    The first ruler of the Mauryan empire was born.
  • 522

    Cambyses II reign ended

    Cambyses II the second ruler of the Persian empire his reign ended at 522 BC he was later replaced with Darius I
  • 547

    Cyrus II defeated the kingdom of Lydia

    At 547 BC defeated the kingdom of Lydia which is known as modern day Turkey.
  • 550

    550 BC the Persian Empire has begun at its peak

    Cyrus II the founder of the Persian empire found the Persian empire at 550BC.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Aryan's language Sanskrit is now in written form on 600 BC

    Sanskrit used to be recited from memory. At 600 BC it is in written form
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Settlement 1500 BC the Aryans invaded the Indus River Valley

    About 1500 BC the Aryans invaded the Indus River Valley.
  • Chandragupta's death

    The ruler of the Mauryan Empire died and his grandson Ashoka took power of the empire 27 years after his death.
  • Cambyses II took power of the Persian Empire

    The second ruler of the Persian Empire Cambyses II he took power at 529 BC.
  • Invasion of Greece

    The Persian ruler Xerxes invaded Greece at 480 BC the Persians captured the capital Athens and burned the Acropolis.
  • The Mauryan Empire fell

    The rulers after Ashoka were unsuccessful at keeping their empire in control there were many conflicts between different regions.