Indian Ocean Timeline

  • 1000 BCE

    Africa and Asia

    Trade between Africa and Asia was increasing. Cities along the African coast such as Kilwa, Malidini and others began to flourish. They obtained gold, ivory and iron and traded with India, Southeast Asia and China.
  • Period: 800 BCE to 1500

    Indian Ocean Trade

    The Indian Ocean Trade started in about 800 A.D. and declined in about 1500 when Portugal invaded and tried to run trade themselves.
  • Period: 750 BCE to 1258 BCE

    Rise of Abbasid

    During this time was the rise of the Abbasid caliphate, which ruled most of the Muslim world.
  • 700 BCE


    Islam was spread.
  • Period: 661 BCE to 750 BCE

    Rise of Umayyd

    The rise of the Umayyd caliphate took place during this time. They began the process of spreading Islam throughout Asia, Africa and Europe.
  • Period: 300 BCE to 1279

    Chola Empire transportation

    The Cholar empire in Southern India had many transportation improvements which included traveling on elephants covered in gold and cloth.
  • 200 BCE


    Camels were introduced to North Africa and the Sahara, which made trade inland more efficient.
  • 400


    In the 400s, the Aksumite emperor Ezana spread Christianity into Ethiopia.
  • 700


    Buddhism spread from India to Southeast Asia during this time by merchants.
  • 700

    Goods from East Africa

    Ivory, gold, iron goods, slaves, leopard skins, toirtose shells, and quartz were all transported from East Africa.
  • 700

    Goods from Arabia

    Frankincense, myyrh, and perfumes were all transported goods from Arabia during this time.
  • 700

    Goods from India

    Grain, ivory, precious stones, cotton textiles, spices timber and tortoise shells were all transported goods from India during this time.
  • Period: 1000 to 1400

    African trade goods

    This was the timespan that African trade began to flourish especially in Zimbabwe, and traders passing through there had to pay a tax on their goods. They traded goods such as cloth, pottery, and manufactured goods for gold, ivory, and furs.
  • 1330

    Bubonic Plague

    The bubonic plague broke out in China in the 1930s and spread by trade to areas that participated in the Indian Ocean trade.
  • 1401

    New technologies

    The Chinese invented larger ships and the magnetic compass, which added more commercial growth. Larger ships allowed for more cargo and the compass allowed them to know which direction they were traveling.
  • 1405

    Zheng He

    Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer who made seven voyages to the Indian Ocean region from 1405-1433.
  • 1420

    Technological advance

    Understanding of the monsoons was a high technological advance in the Indian Ocean trade. It helped sailors to be safe and made traveling a lot easier.
  • 1469

    Afanasy Nikitin

    The Russian voyager who was on first Indian trading vessel that reached India from China.
  • 1498


    In 1498, mariners made their first appearance on the Indian Ocean. This caused Portuguese sailors to venture into new seas.
  • 1500

    End of Indian Ocean Trade

    Portuguese tried to take over and tried to run trade for its own profit.