220px hartmann maschinenhalle 1868 (01)

Industrial Revolution

  • Flying Shuttle

    Flying Shuttle
    Innovated by John Kay, It allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics, some good thing about this is it made cloth production faster, some bad things are more demand for cotton. Today we have large textile manufactures because of this.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    invented by James Hargreaves, it was used for making clothing materials and other textiles. it had good and bad qualities such as, high pollution which was bad and high delivery speed which was good. Today we have things like seing machines because of this.
  • spinning mule

    spinning mule
    innovated by Samuel Crompton, spins textile fibers into yarn, some good things were it helped the textile industry, some bad things were it also increased pollution. Today we have parts to create sewing machines ect.
  • watt steam engine

    watt steam engine
    innovated by James watt, this was used toconvert steam into electricity, some good things were it helped advance technology, some bad things were environment pollution. Today we have factories and many different power sources because of it.
  • water frame/ spinning frame

    water frame/ spinning frame
    invented by Richard Arkwright, water-powered spinning machine , some good things are more textiles could be created, some bad things are it was a very loud machine. Today we have more efficient textile technology.
  • steam locomotive (original)

    steam locomotive (original)
    invented by Richard Trevithick, steam-powered train (locomotive), some good things were faster transportation, some bad things were unjust labor was forced on many people. Today we have electric or magnetic trains.
  • steam boat

    steam boat
    innovated by Robert Fulton, steam-powered boat, some good things are better transportation of goods, some bad things were it went 5 miles per hour. Today we have electrical boats with motors.
  • steam locomotive

    steam locomotive
    innovated by George Stephenson, more updated version of the early steam locomotive, some good things were it could hold more goods to ship, some bad things were it caused more pollution. Today we have electrical trains.
  • pasteurization

    invented by Louis Pasteur, a system to keep food fresh, some good things are more food supply, some bad things are it can take nutrients from foods. Today we have refrigerators and freezers to keep food fresh.
  • steel making

    steel making
    invented by Henery Bessemer, the process of making and manufacturing steel, some good things were more builds and factories could be built, more manual labor. Today we have machines made of steel to make steel.
  • electric light bulb

    electric light bulb
    invented by Thomas Edison, gives off light, some good things are people could see in their homes without using candles ect, some bad things are fire hazard, T oday we have many light bulb basd products and they also povide lights.
  • wireless telegraphy

    wireless telegraphy
    innovated by Nikola Tesla, transmits telegraphs wirelessly, some good things are better communication, some bad things are slow speed. Today we have cell phones because of this.