Industrial revolution

Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • Textile Mill

    Textile Mill
    Impacted the North and invented by Samuel Slater. Textile mills turned cotton from the South into manufactured cloth.
  • Steamboat

    Invented by Robert Fulton, made items travel faster & go upstream.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    This invention was made by Eli Whitney impacting the south. Was made to have cotton be produced 50 times faster.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Made by Eli Whitney so that parts of products could be replaced instead of the whole product. This impacted the North and happened in the factories.
  • National Road

    National Road
    This was part of the transportation revolution. It was the first major interstate highway being over 600 miles long, expanding roads and connecting western farms to cities.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Connected great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean. Was also built in New York connecting western farmers to cities.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    Invented by Cyrus McCormick. The significance was that the farmers could harvest larger pieces of land in the West.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    Made by John Deere and impacted the West. The significance was that farmers could plow larger pieces of land.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Impacted the North, made by Elias Howe. It helped turn manufactured cloth into clothing.