Basf werk ludwigshafen 1881

Industrial Revolution timeline

  • Edmund Cartwright Invents the Power Loom

    Edmund Cartwright Invents the Power Loom
    Edmund Cartwright invented the power loom, which heavily increased the efficiency of the production of textiles.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    He invented the cotton gin.
  • Robert Owen

    Robert Owen
    He transformed and modified New Lanark.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    He developed the first reliable steam engine.
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    He developed the first steam engine used for locomotives.
  • Sir Humphrey Davy Invents the Davy Lamp

    Sir Humphrey Davy Invents the Davy Lamp
    Sir Humphrey Davy invented the Davy lamp, which miners use to safely detect harmful gases.
  • Period: to

    Joseph Locke

    The timesoan it took to develop the grand junction railway.
  • Cyrus McCormick

    Cyrus McCormick
    He invented the mechanical reaper, which made harvesting grains easier. It helped many farmers.
  • Period: to

    Samuel F.B Morse Developes the Telegraph

    He invented the telegraph, which transports information more easily. In addition to the telegraph, he invented morse code.
  • Tolpuddle Martyrs

    Tolpuddle Martyrs
    Their conviction was considered a great milestone in the movement of trade.
  • Charles Goodyear

    Charles Goodyear
    He invented vulcanized rubber.
  • Elias Howe

    Elias Howe
    Elias Howe, with the help of Isaac Singer, was able to invent the first sewing machine, which made the production of garments easier and more efficient.
  • Karl Benz

    Karl Benz
    When he first designed the world's first automobile.
  • Sir Henry Bessemer

    Sir Henry Bessemer
    He produced new low-grade steel from molten pig iron.
  • Dr. Richard Gatling

    Dr. Richard Gatling
    Gatling patented his machine gun.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He invented the first telegraoh.
  • Isambard Kingdom Brunel

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel
    When Isambard's bridge was fully finished and functional.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander Graham Bell
    People became less reliant on the telegraph because the telephone was much more efficient and was used for easier extended communication.
  • George Westinghouse

    George Westinghouse
    The first transformer was built.
  • George Eastman

    George Eastman
    He invented the Kodak camera, which allowed people to preserve black and white photos.