
By nbrown1
  • Jethro Tull invents the seed drill

    Jethro Tull invents the seed drill
    In 1701 Jethro Tull (not to be confused with the floutist), invented the seed drill. The seed drill was a more efficent method of planting seedds. As opposed to scattering seeds on the ground, the seed drill would dig a small hole, allowing for actual planting.
  • John Kay invents flying shuttle

    John Kay invents flying shuttle
    In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle, a leading tool in the industrial revoloution. The flying shuttle allowed workers to sew items much more efficently.
  • James Watt builds the first steam engine

    James Watt builds the first steam engine
    In 1765, inventor James Watt created the worlds first steam engine. This allowed people, goods, and ideas to travel the land much more quickly and efficently, revoloutionizing travel.
  • Marx and Engels publish the communist manifisto.

    Marx and Engels publish the communist manifisto.
    In 1848, while visiting England, philosophers Karl Marx and Frederich Engels were apalled at the vast differences between the rich and the poor. Engels suggested that the goods be made for the people, and with that, the communist manifisto was born.
  • US Civil War Ends/ US technology booms

    US Civil War Ends/ US technology booms
    With the distraction of fighting over, the US could focus on catching up with the rest of the world. With inventions such as the transcontinental railroad, the us beganinnovating once again.
  • Period: to

    Germany becomes dominant industrial power in Europe

    Since Germany decided to unify, they could grow strong as a large country. With no borders dividing the access to natural recourses, Germeny unified and shared their resources.
  • British unions win right to strike

    British unions win right to strike
    After many years of working for workers rights, in 1875 Brittish workers finally gained the ability to strike.