Invention Timeline

  • Steam Engine

    James Watt made big improvments to his steam engince compared to many others. This helped America with transportation and lowered prices for engine power. Still today boat companys use steam engline.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    In 1807. Robet Fulton invented the steamboat in Albany, New york. He was running transportation of 5 rivers thanks to his inventions. This was a new form of transportation that benifited America. This is still used today by transportation companys.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal was starting in 1808 and was comnpleted by 1825. This was opened by Governer Dewitt Clinton in Ontario. This was also knowns as "Clinton's Big Ditch". This helped American society by improving and giving another option for transportation. Still today this Canal is put into good use for transporting goods out of Canada.
  • Railroads

    John stevens invented railroads in 1826. He was also known as the father of railroads. He invented them in england. They helped America with transportation of people and goods. Still today they are being used and now we have underground railroads.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere invented the Steel Plow in 1837 in Illinois. It was made to make farming easier and help break up thick soil. Still today this product and many others are used to make farming life easier. This helped many farms make better crops throughout the 1900's.
  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse invented the Telegraph in on June 10th. 1840. This telegraph went along helping his other invention, the morse code. This sent out the codes. He invented it while he was in England studying electricity. This is still used today and has been upgraded many times. This helped American mostly in milatarys.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Samuel Morse invited the Morse code on June 20th, 10840. He became interested in electricity around 1810 in England. He then became interested in secret messaging and help countrys connect with eachother in high secure codes. This helped America a lot with secret conversations. The milatay's sitll use it today,
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    Charles Goodyear invited Vulcanized Rubber. Rubber was used for many products during this time but couldn't stand the harsh weather conditions. This was made in Masschusetts.The Vulcanized Rubber helped American society by giving them rubber to last through weather conditions.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    Isaac Merritt Singer invited the Sewing Machine on August 12th, 1851. This invention is stilled used today and help American society by making sewing easier.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    Soon after the invention of the Cotton Gin, Cyrus McCormick invented the Mechanical Reaper to make a huge improvemnt in farming and agriculture. By 1851 Cyrus's invention became known all over for farming. This helped crop growth for American and Farmers are still using it today. Cyrus improved the crop growth for many states.