Inventions Timeline

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  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    James Watt was the successful inventor of the Steam Engine. The steam engine took decades to perfect however, the first locomotive was released in 1814 in Europe. Steam engines were used to powers cars, trains, and factories. Developing modern age the steam engine was significant to the Industrial Revolution. Steam Engines were he beginning of engines that have been modernized.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    John Fitch was a very intelligent engineer who created many inventions; one being the steam boat. The steam boat was first demonstrated in Delaware. As his invention carried on the steam boat was able to carry passages from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. This invention was able to create more advanced transportation across seas. This invention has been innovated and still in use today.
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  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The Erie Canal was a water way connecting Lake Erie to the New York Hudson River. The canal was developed for a safe way to carry produce to market across a water way. The canal had been referred to "Clintons big ditch" after Dewitt Clinton contribute towards the water way. The useful waterway is still used today for trade and traveling.
  • Rail Road

    Rail Road
    The rail road was invented by George Stephenson. The Rail Road was first developed by Great Britain, powered by Steam engines. The development of this invention was significant to the Industrial Revolution and was later spread to American. Rail roads advanced construction, social and political change, and made traveling easier. This invention continued to be advanced over years and is still used by many citizens.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    The Mechanical Reaper was invented by Cyrus McCormick. This invention helped farmers by cutting grass and bundling grains powered horses. Cyrus developed this invention in Virginia. The impact this invention caused had been useful to many farmers causing less labor on the farmers. This invention is not used today however, it has been modernized with new tools and equipment.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse at New York University in 1835. The telgraph worked by transmitting electric signals over a wire. The telegraph enable society to comincate instantly over land rather, sending a letter. This invetnion is notin use today, however more advance invention had been made based off the telegram, such as the telephone, tevelshion, and computer.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    Invented by Samuel Morse in 1840 was a set dashes and dots to go with each letter of the alphabet. The telegram did not have a speaker to hear someone voice as a result, Morse code was created.
  • Vulcnized Rubber

    Vulcnized Rubber
    Vulcanized Rubber was invited by Charles Goodyear. Rubber was fist invented in a factory located in Roxbury Massachusetts. For its great deal of strength rubber was used for manufacturing better quality shoes, water proof clothing, life jackets, balls, hats, assembly lines, shock absorbers, seals, and gaskets. Rubber advanced and produced better quality Necessities in 1844. Example of rubber that is being used by billions daily is tires.
  • Sweing Machine

    Sweing Machine
    Before the Sewing Machine had been an invention with many contributors to prototypes. Elias Howe invented the last prototype in Massachusetts 1844. The sewing machine sped up production and made coast cheaper for people throughout the world. The sewing machine revolutionized the modern world.