Inventions Timeline Project

  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was created by James Watt. James Watt helped create a steam engine that could power heavy machinery. It boiled water and turned it from a liquid to a gas or steam. It was in a rotation motion continuesly. Steam engines were also used in railroad locomotives and traction engines. It is still used today to power trains, ships, cars, and factories.
  • Steamboat

    The steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He prodcued the first commercially succesful steamboat in the United States. It didn't go very fast but it made traveling on water much more faster. They aren't as popular in the U.S. today there are ships, and other large boats used today.
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    The erie canal was used for boats on the Hudson River to reach upstate New York and Lake Erie. It had an impact on american society because many American settlers were attracted to the markets where tehy could buy imported goods. Irish laborers or immagrints helped build the Erie Canal but most of them died by fever. The Erie Canal is still used today for trading all around the world.
  • Railroads

    The N.J. railroad plan was invented by John Stevens. It was first used in the U.S. in South carolina. The railroad had a huge impact on American society scoailly, economically, and politically. This also made it more efficent for trade, and would travel from country to country in a quicker way. This invention is still being used today for traveling, transporting, and trading.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    Mechanical Reaper
    The mechanical reaper was created by Cyrus McCormick. It was created in Rockbridge, Virginia. It cut, threshed and bundled grain together. It was pulled by horses, and it made farming go faster becuase farmers would do this by hand. It revolutionized farming in the United States. It is still used today to make farming more efficent.
  • Steel Plow

    Steel Plow
    John Deere created the steel plow in 1837. The steel plow was used for breakign tough soil and without the soil getting stuck to it. It was created in Grand Detour, Illinois. It had an impact on American society because it made the soil loose which helped harvest the crops. It is still used today for planting and harvesting crops.
  • Telegraph

    The telegrpah was invented by Samuel F.B. Morse. It was by transmitting electrical signals over a wire and it went to different stations.. It had an impact on American society because it helped with long distance comunication. The first telegraph was sent from Washington D.C. to Europe. The telegaph is no longer used today becuse we have telephones, tax, and the internet.
  • Morse Code

    Morse Code
    The morse code was created by Samuel F.B. Morse. The Morse code was dots and lines that matched up to a letter in the alphabet, and it allowed for messages to be private so no one can read them. It had an impact on society because people coudl send messages on the telegraph and no one could read them. Morse code was also invented in Washington D.C. like the telegraph. People use to handwrite letters, and the morse code made it faster through the telegraph. It is still recognized today.
  • Vulcanized Rubber

    Vulcanized Rubber
    Charles Goodyear created vulcanized rubber.It was created in Springfield Massachusetts. This invention was used in pencil erasers, and used in tires. If heated it could reatin elastisity which made them winter and waterproof. In the cold they are very brittle, which is why there are many tire blowouts during the winter.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine was created by Issac Merritt Singer. It was invted in Spencer, Massachusetts. The sewing machine had an impact on society becuase it made stiching fabric more efficent. Instead of using your hand with a thread and needle, you could pump the foot peddle and it would sitch the fabric together quicker.