• Birth of Isabella

    Isabella was born the 10th of October in 1830
  • Isabel is named Princess of Asturias.

    Isabel is named Princess of Asturias.
    Isabel is named Princess of Asturias. Fernando VII dies. Maria Cristina’s regency as Queen Governor begins. The infant Carlos María Isidro is king by his supporters.The First Carlist War Begins
  • End of the Carlist war.

    End of the Carlist war.
    General Espartero takes over as regent . His rule is more progressive than Maria Cristina´s
  • Isabella starts to rule

    Uprising against Spartero and the end of his regency. Isabella is thirteen years old and she starts to rule as a QueenThe Second Carlist War Begins
  • Progressive Biennium

    Progressive Biennium
    the Progressives, led by Espartero, nationalist and sell the common lands of the municipal and encourage the development of railways
  • Moderates and Liberal Union

    O´Donell creates a new party called Liberal Union , until 1868, power alternates between the Moderates and Liberal Union
  • Death of Isabella

    Isabella dies with 73 years old