Islam percent population in each nation world map muslim data by pew research

Islam in America

By mjoseph
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Major points

  • Jan 1, 1528

    First Muslim in America

    First Muslim in America
    In 1528, A Moroccan slave named Estevanico of Azemmour was the first documented North American Muslim.
  • James Madison and the 1 Amendment

    James Madison proposes the 1 amendment that states Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
  • Omar Ibn Said enslaved and brought to the U.S.

    Omar Ibn Said enslaved and brought to the U.S.
    Omar Ibn Said was a writer and Islamic scholar who was held capitve and enslaved. He was brought to SC and sold to James Owen. While Said was in the U.S. he wrote a series of works.
  • First wave of Muslim Immigrants

    The first wave of Muslim immigration lasted from 1875-1908. The first wave of Muslims came from Syria.
  • Drew Ali created a Nationalist Islamic communtiy

    Drew Ali created a Nationalist Islamic communtiy
    The Moorish science temple was established in Newark, New Jersey.
  • Immigrants rented a hall in Cedar Rapids for worship

    Muslims came here looking for economic stability. Some went back to their homeland, but the remainder that stayed here established communities and developed a place of worship in Iowa.
  • Drew Ali passes away forcing Wallace D. Fard to takeover

    Fard was a minister and founded the Nation of Islam in Detroit. He mysteriously disappeared in 1934.
  • Fard's disappearence leads to Elijah Muhammad taking over

    Fard's disappearence leads to Elijah Muhammad taking over
    Elijah Muhammad takes over Nation of Islam after Fard disappears. He had mostly African Americans as followers due to racism issues.
  • Immigration & Nationality Act of 1952

    It is known as the McCarran-Walter Act. It was an act to revise the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality. This act alllowed Muslim immigration into the United States.
  • Muslim religion growing

    There were more than 1,000 Muslims in North America in 1952.
  • Malcolm Little changed Nation of Islam

    Malcolm Little changed Nation of Islam
    Malcolm X was a very intelligent man, who was appointed the head spokesperson and minister of the Nation of Islam. He also helped create new mosques. Malcolm became a target for many.
  • Malcolm X is assassinated

    Many people threatened his life so he stopped traveling, and everywhere he went he would have bodygaurds. On February 21, 1965 at a speaking event he was shot and killed.
  • Elijah Muhammad dies and the movement splits

    When the Nation of Islam splits the 5th son of Elijah begins the American Muslim Mission. The American Muslim Mission is the largest African-American Islamic movement. The AMM had a close relationship with Sunni Islam. It was eventually lead by Warith Deen Muhammad.
  • Muslim Mosques begin to grow

    In 1990, Muslim mosques start to grow in America. There were more than 6,000 Mosques or centers in America.
  • Islam: a growing religion

    Islam is now the second largest religion in the United States. It is estimated that one in five peope are Muslim. The Islamic growth rate in America is 6%. Chritianity is not a popular religion anymore. There are estimated to be 1,226,403,000 Muslims in America.