Israel Palestine Conflict

  • McMahon-Hussein Correspondence

    McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
    A series of letters in which the British pledged to return land held by the Turks to the Arab residing in the relevant land, as long as the Arabs (including Palestinians) supported the British when fighting against the Ottoman Empire in WW1
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

    Sykes-Picot Agreement
    Following WWI and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the lands previously held by the Ottoman Empire were split between the French and British.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    In a contradiction to the McMahon-Hussein agreement, British declared their support of the formation of a Jewish State.
  • Formation of the State of Israel

    Formation of the State of Israel
    The State of Israel was established on the 14th of May 1948. David Ben Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency announced that there was officially a State of Israel. The State of Israel was recognised by Harry Truman, the US president at the the time almost instantly. The news, however, caused widespread fury particularly from Arabs.
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    1st Arab-Israeli War

    After the formation of the State of Israel, tensions between Arabs and Israeli's were at breaking point. The Arab nations of Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Jordan invaded Israel, however when Israel successfully counterattacked they gained a lot of land, causing many (720 000) Palestinians to become displaced.
  • Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) formed

    Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) formed
    In 1964, the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) was formed. This organisation had the goal of achieving liberation and representing Palestinian people, via violence and armed struggle.
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    Six Day War

    The 6 day war was a war between Israel, and the Arab nations of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The war was also known as the 3rd Arab-Israeli War. The Arab countries intended to invade Israel, however Israel, although outnumbered ended up winning and gaining land previously occupied by Jordan, including the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.
  • Egypt and Israel Signed a Peace Treaty

    Egypt and Israel Signed a Peace Treaty
    The president of the US at the time, Jimmy Carter witnessed the Egyptian President at the time Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister at the time Menachem Begin,signing a peace treaty at the White House calling for a ceasefire and an end to hostilities.
  • Founding of Hamas

    Founding of Hamas
    Hamas, a political party with the role of liberating Palestinians was founded in 1987. Hamas is the most prominent and influential Islamic militant group and it was founded during the first intifada, after many Palestinians were killed
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    1st Intifada

    The first Intifada was an uprising by Palestinian people against Israeli people and the Israeli government, fighting against Israeli occupation, house demolishment and unnecessary violence. The Palestinian people attempted to make their opinions seen through primarily non violent protests, such as refusing to work, and throwing rocks at Israeli tanks.
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    Oslo Peace Agreement

    The Oslo Peace Agreement was an agreement between Arabs and Israeli's, overseen by US president at the time Bill Clinton. The Oslo Accord was signed by a representative from the PLO- Mahmoud Abbas, and Yitzahk Rabin the Israeli Prime Minister at the time. The Accord was designed to create or begin to create a peaceful and mutual resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The agreement ended in 2001 after Palestinians had not ceased their terror attacks.
  • Israel Prime Minister Assasinated.

    Israel Prime Minister Assasinated.
    Yitzhak Rabin, former Israeli primer minister was assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv. The gunman was a Jewish-Israeli student with extremist beliefs. The assassination caused outrage and produced many conspiracy theories.
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    2nd Intifada

    The 2nd Intifada was the second uprising of the Palestinian people against Israeli occupation and violence. It started with a controversial and provocative visit from Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to Temple Mount, a Muslim shrine. Many lives were lost from both sides.
  • Construction of Separation Fence Begins

    Construction of Separation Fence Begins
    The Israeli government commenced construction on the West Bank Separation Wall. It was built on the pretence that it is a defence against terrorism, however it is viewed by Palestinians as a barrier promoting racial segregation. It is also seen as a way for Israel to annex Palestinian land. The separation fence also makes it difficult for Palestinians to get to work, and destroyed many homes and towns.
  • Palestinian election- Hamas elected

    Palestinian election- Hamas elected
    Hamas, a Palestinian militant political group won Palestine's government election. Hamas won 74/132 parliamentary seats. The election of Hamas caused major concerns about eventual peace between Palestine and Israel, due to Hamas's strong military beliefs.
  • Hamas military leader killed

    Hamas military leader killed
    On the 22 July 2002, an Israeli plane dropped a bomb onto a house found in Gaza where a Hamas military leader Salah Shehadeh was staying, alongside other Palestinian civilians. Shehadeh and 13 of the Palestinians were killed, which included 8 innocent children.
  • Vatican City Recognises State of Palestine

    Vatican City Recognises State of Palestine
    A treaty between Palestine and the 'Holy See' which recognised the State of Palestine, was put into place. The Vatican committed to this treaty based on the belief that there should be a both a State of Israel and a State of Palestine, as both Israeli and Palestinian people deserved a state- essentially supporting the 2 state solution.
  • The US Agrees to Commit $38 Billion to Israel over 10 years

    The US Agrees to Commit $38 Billion to Israel over 10 years
    Previously, the US had committed a lot of money ($24 billion since 2009) to Israel, and had struck a deal in which the US would commit $38 billion to Israel from 2019 to 2028. The financial aid is designed to boost Israel's military power and security, to in the words of former president Barack Obama, to allow Israel to "defend itself from all manner of threats."
  • Donald Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital

    Donald Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital
    Jerusalem has long been regarded by Palestinians as the capital of Palestine, and by Israel's the capital of Israel. Jerusalem holds religious significance and is sacred to not only Jews, but Arabs as well, which is why Donald Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital has caused such widespread contoversy.