Israeli-Palestinian conflict

  • Zionism

    Organized by Theodor Herlz.Zionist goal is to establish a legally assured home for the Jewish people.Zionism is the national liberation movement of Jewish people.
  • McMahon Hussein Correspondence

    McMahon Hussein Correspondence
    Sharif Hussein was the ruler of the holy city of Mecca.During World War 1, Commissioner Henry McMahon promised him that Britain would grant independence to most aArab areas.
  • Balfour Declaration

    Balfour Declaration
    Britidh Balfour Declaration promised to create a Jewish homeland.
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    British Mandate for Palestine

    League nations divided Ottoman lands.Britain was given the Palestine Mandate.Mandate incorporated the language of the Balfour declaration.
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    The Holocaust and World War II

    Nazi Germany attacked and conquered most of Europe.Nazis prosecuted Jews carrying out a genocide known as the Holocaust and it resulted in the murder of 6 million Jews.
  • UN Partition Plan

    UN Partition Plan
    In 1947 tensions betwen Arabs, Jews and the British were growing. Britain announced to pull the region out.On November 29,1947 the UN general assembly voted to partition the Palestine Mandate.
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    1948 war

    David Ben Gurion proclaimed the independence of the new state of Israel on May 14,1948.The next day Arab armies attacked the new state.It was the first Arab Israeli war.
  • Establishment of the PLO

    Establishment of the PLO
    In 1946,PLO was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and creating a Palestinian state.
  • Six day war/ 1967 Arab Israeli

    Six day war/ 1967 Arab Israeli
    Before the war,Egypt,Jordan,Syria and Iraq moved their armies.Egypt closed the international water way.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    Israeli government approved the building of settlements.The term settlements refers to Israeli communities built on land.The first settlements were intended to act as security outposts.
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    Khartoum Resolution/Attrition Battles/ The war of attrition

    During the 1967 war, Israel gained land from egypt. Egypt began small scale attacks against israeli.
  • October war/Yom Kippur War/1973 Arab-Israeli War

    October war/Yom Kippur War/1973 Arab-Israeli War
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel.But Israelis managed to push back the attack.
  • Camp david accords

    Camp david accords
    Menachem begin of Israeli and Anwar al Sadat of Egypt signed agreements in Camp David
  • Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty

    Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty
    Egypt was the first to recognize and enter into a peace treaty with Israel.The president of Egypt Anwar Sadat thet if they kept figting it would arm te Egyptian economy.
  • 1982 Lebanon War/First Lebanon War

    1982 Lebanon War/First Lebanon War
    PLO units attacked communities in Northern Israel.Israel then launched an attack on PLO militants. This conflict is known as the 1982 Lebanon War.
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    First Intifada

    Palestinians engaged in an uprising,or intifada,against Israel.Palestinians attacked Israelis with improvised weapons.
  • Oslo Accords

    Oslo Accords
    Oslo accords werea set of agreements that began in 1993.When Israel and PLO signed a declaration of principles.
  • Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty

    Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
    In 1997 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel ,the U.S. led a diffucult but successful diplomatic processs.In 1994 Jordan was the second Arab country to recognize Israel.
  • Camp David Summit

    Camp David Summit
    President Bill Clinton brought Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Yasser Arafat to Camp david in Jyly 2000.
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    Second Intifada

    In September 2000,Israeli Opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Jewish Temple.Many palestinians claimed that Sharons visit was a pretext for violence