John cena american flag

Jacob W. American History P.1 2015-2016

  • Jul 8, 700

    Anasazi begin using Adobe for structures

    Anasazi begin using Adobe for structures
  • Aug 8, 1200

    The Aztecs and Mayas rule most of South America

    The Aztecs and Mayas rule most of South America
  • Dec 8, 1397

    1400 Hohokam people begin to die out

  • Aug 8, 1400

    Iroquois league started after people stop migrating

    Iroquois league started after people stop migrating
  • Dec 8, 1476

    explorers such as Bartolomeu, Dias Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Pedro Alvarez Cabral, and Amerigo Vespucci begin exploring and destroying Aboriginal world

    explorers such as Bartolomeu, Dias Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Pedro Alvarez Cabral, and Amerigo Vespucci begin exploring and destroying Aboriginal world
  • Dec 2, 1547

    Herman Cortes dies after battle with Moctezuma attempting to set up columbian exchange

    Herman Cortes dies after battle with Moctezuma attempting to set up columbian exchange
  • Renaissance begins after new ideas from protestant movement spread across Europe

    Renaissance begins after new ideas from protestant movement spread across Europe
  • Jamestown founded by John Smith with help of Joint stock company

    Jamestown founded by John Smith with help of Joint stock company
  • House of Burgess Meeting, talks about Puritans and alters mayflower compact

    House of Burgess Meeting, talks about Puritans and alters mayflower compact
  • Bascons rebellion

    Bascons rebellion
  • English bill of rights passed with elements from the Magna Carta

  • William Penn, Quaker, founds Pensylvania

    William Penn, Quaker, founds Pensylvania
  • Missionaries creating missions in southwest America's

    Missionaries creating missions in southwest America's
  • Northwest Passage Theorized

    Northwest Passage Theorized
  • Great awakening sweeps through cash crop migrant colonies, effecting salutary neglects

  • The limited government creates bicameral legislature called the articles of confederation, requiring the great compromise

  • Presidio founded, Mestizo's angered

    Presidio founded, Mestizo's angered
  • A Lack of seperation of powers and check's and balances leads to shay's rebelliom 1787 from the northwest ordinance

  • tariffs to cause the whiskey rebellion

  • Warhawk's create alien and sedition acts along with hartford convention

  • Andrew jackson purchases Louisiana against the advice from his cabinet leading to judicial review

  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    First battle of Civil War. 300 Union men vs Virtually unlimited troops. North was being starved out by Confederacy. Two men died from the battle.
  • Period: to

    Anaconda Plan

    Plan to crush ans starve the south. Designed by Winfield Scott. Called for invasion of South by Mississippi to cut South in two.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    Evenly matched.
    South won battle.
    only 6k casualties for both sides.
    Defeat caused Lincoln to create draft of 500,000 men.
  • 2nd Bull Run

    2nd Bull Run
    62k men of north vs 50k men of south
    CSA victory by Robert E. Lee defeating John Pope
    Drove down Northern Morale
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    First major battle of Antietam.
    Bloodiest single day battle in American history
    Lots of charging of lines via bayonet
    26k Casualties - 4k deaths
    Lincoln later fired McClellan
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    Ended the 15th of December.
    Burnside vs Robert E Lee,
    Burnside attempted to cross a river but failed due to a southern offensive.
    Attempted to flank but failed eventually.
    Major loss of North. 12k casualties vs 4k casualties
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    Ended May 6th 1863.
    Surprise attack by North.
    Joseph Hooker vs Robert E Lee.
    100,000 Union vs 57,000 Confederate
    37,000 casualties
    CSA win
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    U. S. Grant orders the besieging of Vicksburg after two failed attempts at capturing city. Ended July 4th.
  • Gettysburg

    North beat Robert E Lee's 60,000 troops at gettysburg, bloodiest battle of Civil War
  • Battle of Petersburg

    Battle of Petersburg
    Trench warfare battle.
    Battle ended March 25 1865.
    Petersburg, Virginia
    Largest Concentration of African Americans in war
    Union had "way more" troops than South
  • Battle at Atlanta

    Battle at Atlanta
    34k Union vs 40k CSA
    CSA failed to defend city
    Atlanta burned to ground]
    Union victory
    Small losses for North, 8k casualties for South
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    Sherman led march from Atlanta to Savanah Georgia, burning every crop and building on the way.
    Early use of "scorched Earth" policy.
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    The south's big surrender to North.
    Wilmer Meclean's house
    700 causualties.