Kassy   pocahontas and john smith promational art 2

Unit 2 Timeline

  • First Boat to sail to and land on Jamestown, Virginia

    Over 100 men and boys were on this ship. The land they were on was officially named Jamestown to honor the english king. Famine and diseases were infecting alot of the englishmen and many native americans also. There was a lot of controvery going on at the time and in the long run John Smith who was the leader of the englishmen was captured by the indians and about to be executed until Pocahontas saved him
  • arrival of Lord de la Ware

    the survivors decided to try and abandon the town. But when the governor lord dela ware arrived ship was full of supply and life in Jamestown was back on its feet. Decades passed and life wasnt perfect but people lived there comfortably. Peace between the pohwakan natives and englishmen were promised after the marriage of Pocahotas and tobaco seller John Rolfe.
  • Starving Period

    Food wasnt in the question and alot of the people resorted to cannabalism. And it was also the year that John Smith departed
  • Rebellion Ends

    Bacon is caught, jailed then forgiven but instaed of going home he convinces both african american servants and poor englishmen to revolt with him. This time he goes after the house of burgesses and this time William Berkeley (the noble in charge) along with all the others flee from jamestown and Bacon burns down Jamestown then passes away before attacking natives.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon a member of the burgesses doesnt agree with the constant deaths of his people who live on the outskirts of Jamestown. Coutasy of the natives whose land was being tresspassed on. Though the english and natives had a agreement to not step foot on eachothers land the people living on the outskirts did. So there was notrhing that could be done without causing some sort of war. Bacon was upset that his request to march on the natives land was denied and decided to raise a army
  • Period: to

    Bacon lives on

    Though Bacon was considered 'taboo' to speak about. Many of the actions and revolutionary figures we know now were mostlikely inspired by his actions and took it upon themselves to become seldom and strong enogh to rebel against those who kept them chained. Also women , African Americans and Natives lives were changed during this time.