Jane Goodall

  • is when Jane Goodall was born

      is when Jane Goodall was born
    When Jane Goodall was born
  • job (unknown day)

    job (unknown day)
    in 1952 Jane Goodall got a job of secretery to earn money to go to africa.
  • traveled to africa (unknown day and month)

    traveled to africa  (unknown day and month)
    In 1957 Jane Goodall travelled to Africa to learn about chimpanzees.
  • moved to Gombe (unknown day and month)

    moved to Gombe (unknown day and month)
    in 1960 Jane Goodall moved to gombe to studie and watch a chimpanzees .
  • cimpanzees use tools

    cimpanzees use tools
    in 1961 Jane Goodall found out that chimpanzeescan use tools like they can grab a stick put it in a termite home and eat them.
  • university (unknown day)

    university (unknown day)
    In 1965 Jane Goodall went to a university called Cambridge University and there she studied chimpanzee habitats.
  • Jane Goodall institute (unknown day)

    Jane Goodall institute (unknown day)
    in 1977 Jane Goodall made a Jane Goodall institute to teach others about chimpanzees.
  • Messenger of peace (unknown day)

    Messenger of peace (unknown day)
    in 2002 she was named Messenger of peace for the 45 years she studied with chimpanzees.