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Japan before Modern Times

  • 200

    Local clans ruled Japan

  • 250

    A new group had appered in Japan

    The Yayoi might have comed from mainland Asia.
  • 400

    warlike clans competed for land and power

    The winner of this struggle was the Yamato clans from the plains of central Honshu.
  • 538

    Buddhism arrives in Japan

    Which arrived from Korea.Shotoku hoped that the religion would unite the Japanese peple.
  • 593

    Prince Shotoku took power

    He was not an emperor.Instead he was a regent for the emperess,his aunt.
  • Dec 14, 607

    Shotoku sent offical reprsentatives to China to study arts and goverments.

    This was the first of several offical missions to the Chinese mainland.The mission included scholors,artist,and Buddist monks.
  • Dec 14, 622

    Prince Shotkoku died

    Japan was still ruled by clans,but other reforms continued efforts to create a strong goverment.
  • Dec 14, 645

    Taika reforms introduces new laws

  • Dec 14, 702

    a new law code

  • Dec 14, 794

    the capital moves to Heian

  • Dec 14, 1185

    Feudalism begins in Japan

  • Dec 14, 1274

    the first Mangol invasion fails

  • Takugawa leyasa unites Japan