Job Ben Solomon

By 18vs
  • Birth Date/ Birth Place

    Job Ben Solomon was born in the valley of the Senegal, Gambia in 1701.
  • Ordered to Sell 2 Slaves

    He was ordered to sell two slaves on an English ship. He was then captured by slave hunters who brought him to the King. The king then sold him to the ship Arabella, which he was sent to.
  • Working as a Slave

    He was a field worker for a tobacco planter. It was phyiscal torment as he struggled as he had never particpated in manual labour.
  • Put as a Cattle Worker

    The tobbaco planter learnt about his father being a herdsman, then made him work with the cattle. He was doing well until a group of white boys harassed him about being muslim whilst praying.
  • Bought by James Oglethorpe

    He was bought James fromt he tobbaco planter who then brought him back to England and let him go home.
  • Captured and Sent to Jail

    He ran away because he was harassed, which resulted him being captured and sent to jail. He then wrote a letter which was seen by Mr Bluett who gave it James Oglethorpe who was fascianted by it. He then sent it to Oxford to get it translated.
  • Returned Home

    He returned to Gambia and when het got home, he discovered that his wife had remarried. He forgave her as she thought he had died.