John adams eng2891 3x2gty 56a489595f9b58b7d0d77048

John Adams (DV)

  • Father

    John Adams
    Birth-Feb 8, 1697 Job-Farmer, cordwainer
  • Mother

    Susanna Boylston Adams
    Birth-Mar. 5, 1699 Job- none
  • Birth

    Oct. 30, 1735, Braintree, Massachusetts
  • Abigale Adams

    Abigale Adams
    John Adams and first lady
    Birth-nov 11,1744
    Death-Oct. 28, 1818
  • Education

    Collage-Harvard college, Cambridge Massachusetts
    Why and How long: Bachelor of Arts,1751-1755 Got master in1758
  • Marriage

    When: Oct. 5th, 1764
    Wife: Abigail Smith Adams
  • Children PT:1

    Children PT:1
    Abigail Amelia Adams:1765- 1813
    John Adams first Child
  • Children PT:2

    Children PT:2
    John Quincy Adams: 1767-1848
    John Adams second child and eventually will become president aswell
  • Children PT:3

    Children PT:3
    Susanna Adams: 1768-1770
    John Adams second daughter and third child
  • Children PT:4

    Children PT:4
    Charles Adams: 1770-1800
    Adams fourth child
  • Children PT:5

    Children PT:5
    Thomas Boylston Adams: 1772-1832
    John Admas last and fifth child
  • Fun fact PT:2

    Fun fact PT:2
    During the Continental Congresses, he served on more committees than any other congressman
  • Government position Before presidency

    Government position Before presidency
    A representative of Massachusetts general court, delegate of the 1 and 2 continental congresses, member of the provincial congress of Massachusetts, delegate to Massachusetts constitutional convention, commissioner to France, minister to Netherlands and Britain, U.S vice president
  • Military

    no military experience
  • Vice president

    Vice president
    Thomas Jefferson
  • Fun Facts pt:1

    Fun Facts pt:1
    John Adams wanted the president to be addressed as His Highness.
  • Laws passed while in Office

    Laws passed while in Office
    11th amendment
  • Previous job

    Previous job
  • Time in office

    Time in office
  • Presidents nickname

    Presidents nickname
    His Rotundity, The duke of Braintree
  • political party

    political party
    John Adams was a fedralits
  • newsworthy events while in office pt:1

    newsworthy events while in office pt:1
    Yellow fever- affected: about 5,000
    When and where: America and in 1798
    What happened and what were the results: people in Philadelphia contracted yellow fever and ended up killing a large part of the population
    Why and How: trade
  • Laws passed while in Office

    Laws passed while in Office
    Alien act passed
  • Newsworthy events while in office pt:3

    Newsworthy events while in office pt:3
    Pope Pius VI was taken prisoner by Louis Alexandre Berthier
    When: Feb 20, 1798
    Why: the pope refused to leave his place of power so he was taken captive
    How: Berthier walked in and declared a roman republic
    Where: Rome
    What was the result and who was affected: the pope died after 6 weeks of being imprisoned and they needed to elect a new pope and crowned them with a paper mache crown
  • Laws passed while in Office

    Laws passed while in Office
    Federal bankruptcy act
  • newsworthy events while in office pt:2

    newsworthy events while in office pt:2
    Electric battery discovered
    When: Mar 20, 1800
    Who involved: Alessandro Volta found it
    Where: Italy
    How: Shock therapy on frogs legs
    Who is affected and What was the result: Brought a new kind of science to the physiology community and renown for Alessandro Volta
  • number of president

    number of president
    2nd president
  • Laws passed while in Office

    Laws passed while in Office
    Sedation act passed
  • Fun facts PT:3

    Fun facts PT:3
    His son John Quincy became the 6th President. There have been two father-son Presidents in American history: John Adams and John Quincy Adams, and George Bush and George W Bush.
  • Religion

  • Death

    Date: July 4th, 1826
    Where died: Quincy, Massachusetts
    How: heart attack
    Where buried: First Unitarian Church, Quincy, Massachusetts