Tls characters

John Doe's lifespan development

  • 0-3 years - PHYSICAL

    0-3 years - PHYSICAL
    At these stages motor control develops fairly quickly as months go on. Grasping of toys, lifting of the head, sitting up alone, standing up, crawling and walking will occur around these stages, This is knownas muscle development. Also physical features will become bigger including, hands, feet, head an torso. The babies eyes will also start to focus more on objects and they will notice movement.
  • Period: to

    John Doe

  • 0-3 years - INTELLECTUAL

    0-3 years - INTELLECTUAL
    Children will start to be able to communicate their needs, (things they may want e.g milk). Manipulating needs will be done in primary socialisation to get their own way. Also their language will start to develop, changing from babbling to basic words and sentences.
  • 0-3 years - SOCIAL

    0-3 years - SOCIAL
    Primary socialisation is done with parents and other siblings but when entered into a nursery at these ages they will also start to take on secondary socialisation with nusery teaches and other babies.
  • 0-3 years - EMOTIONAL

    0-3 years  - EMOTIONAL
    Emotions at these ages are mostly for attention. They will start to bond in primary socalisation and become clingy with individuals specifically mothers and fathers. They will try to push bounderies to get more of what they want. Jealousy will also occur if attention is shown to someone else, mostly children thier own age of 2 onwards. Parallel play is done until they understand how to play together and share. Learning what is right from wrong will also be understood in the later stages.
  • 4-9 years - PHYSICAL

    4-9 years - PHYSICAL
    Gross motor skills have developed rapidly (e.g run, jump, skip,etc). Start to climb and walk backwards slowly.They also will gather up co-ordination and with this, learn to tie their shoe lace, catch, throw and kick balls more accurately. Among this learn to ride a bike which of when their balance has also gained. Bodies will start to changed in proportion. Fine motor skills also developed such as cutting paper and drawing simple shapes (e.g squares diamonds).
  • 4-9 years EMOTIONAL

    4-9 years EMOTIONAL
    Starts to show concern and sympathy towards those they care about, however tests boundries of love. Can lose positive regard easy. Loves adventure and tries to find new things. Bosses 'friends' around and may try to be leader. Exaggeration and boasting will occur over the slightest of situations. Extreme behaviour (eg,loves alot and/or hates alot). 'Best' friends are made jealousy will come into secondary socialisation.
  • 4-9 years - INTELLECTUAL

    4-9 years - INTELLECTUAL
    At this stage learn to speak up to about 2,000 words. Able to put together more complex sentences. Can start to count without help and count backwards. Gives reasons and can solve simple problems. Starts to draw in detail and not just shapes. Identifies past and present. Starts to ask what more complicated words mean (e.g neon). Starts to gather inititive. Believes in magical increase like things such as; tooth faries, santa clause etc.
  • 4-9 years - SOCIAL

    4-9 years - SOCIAL
    Starts to show sense of humour. Starts to play with other children more, also share things between them and take turns as they will start to enter school. But can then play and amuse themself for longer periods of time. Compres self to others (e.g height, weight, colour e.t.c). Learns to manipulate others.
  • 10-18 - years - SOCIAL

    10-18 - years - SOCIAL
    More time is spent with friends than family as they gain more of a social life. Explores different friends, music, hobbies e.t.c and finds out who they are inside. May get into fights, drink and drugs.
  • 10-18 years - PHYSICAL BOYS

    10-18 years - PHYSICAL BOYS
    Puberty will start to begin possibly in early teen life. Body odour will get stronger. Small breast buds may occur. Facial hair will occur along with pubic, legs, arms and armpit hair. Voice breaking will start. The body will stretch and inrcease height. Testicles drop and become larger, along with the penis. Start to have wet dreams (dreaming about sexual natures). Teenage spots and pimples may show.
  • 10-18 years - PHYSICAL GIRLS

    10-18 years - PHYSICAL GIRLS
    Pubery will begin maybe in early teen life. Menstral cycle can start and any point from now. Body odour and discharge may occur. Growing of breasts and breaast buds. Grows hairs under armpits, arms, legs and also pubic hairs. Height and weight increase. Hips widen. Teenage spots and pimples may show.
  • 10-18 years - EMOTIONAL

    10-18 years - EMOTIONAL
    Hormones get exaggerated. Mood swings can be often, short tempers, sulking and a huge crave for privacy. Starts to worry about situations, posibilities, their image, drink and drugs, dying and primary socialisation. Self-conciousness becomes an issue. Will start to fall in 'love' or think they have, or form relationships in the secondary socialisation. May question their sexuality.
  • 10-18 years - INTELLECTUAL

    10-18 years - INTELLECTUAL
    Start to imagine posibilities along with recognising consenquences for their actions. Begin to anticipate on what others may think. Begin to challenge parents and schooling.
  • 19-65 years - PHYSICAL

    19-65 years - PHYSICAL
    May become broody and be expecting a baby. Slight loss of elasticity in the skin later on in stage, resulting to lines and wrinkles. May gain weight, for women most likely in hips and thighs and men in the abdomen. Menopause can start from any age from now for women. Hair will become thinner and grey hairs will appear. Eyesight deteriorates and reaction time slows as they get nearer to 65.
  • 19-65 - EMOTIONAL

    19-65 - EMOTIONAL
    Self-esteem will increase through the adulthood. May start to struggle with confidence with people and rather live alone, whereas some may need someone to be around to feel secure.
  • 19-65 - INTELLECTUAL

    19-65 - INTELLECTUAL
    Start to have slower reaction to things, but has more knowledge to work out situations and skilled at making complex decisions.
  • 19-65 years - SOCIAL

    19-65 years - SOCIAL
    At this stage friendships are secure and tend tend to have a network of personal friends. Begin to establish sexual and commited relationships. Marriage is important in social life and often associated with adulthood. Also important at this stage that paid employment is on an income.
  • 65+ years - SOCIAL

    65+ years - SOCIAL
    People at this age lead different lives and may be in a old peoples home. Many people would have retired by this age and developed many friendships throughout work life. A network of family and friends is vital as this point as they need emotional support. Health problems and hearinging disabilites can cause social isolation as not everyone can accord to thier needs. More relationships with people thier age and takes beliefs into more consideration.
  • 65+ years - PHYSICAL

    65+ years - PHYSICAL
    Bones, muscles e.t.c become weaker and things become twice as long to do, such as; walking, breathing and circulation. Skin looses more elascity. Joints become less flexable and become less mobile. May develop arthiritis and become less immune to diseases.
  • 65+ years - INTELLECTUAL

    65+ years - INTELLECTUAL
    Become less able to solve problems and cope. Some may enjoy health excersises' to keep motivated and keep their mind working. Some people may continue to make wise decisions and develop with it. The risk of catching diseases and illness can become more of a risk at this stage as the immune system weakens.
  • 65+ years - EMOTIONAL

    65+ years - EMOTIONAL
    Sense of life develops as life progresses through the late stages. Its important fot them to keep self esteem at this time, even though problems may occur but it is important to stay positive. May loose self confidence because of the way people may treat them at this stage. A good sense of bonding with family and friends as they realise they may not be around for much longer.
  • Final stages of life - PHYISCAL

    Final stages of life - PHYISCAL
    Cells start to get weak and have problems renewing themselves, causing cells to die and cause illnesses. Vital patterns are lost from our body and we evenutally end up dying.
  • Final stages of life - INTELLECTUAL

    Final stages of life - INTELLECTUAL
    May delevop Dementia/Alzheimer's and start to forget alot of things, in worst cases family members and friends and also including eating habbits and past events. This will cause them to develop 'baby like' mannerisms all over again.
  • final life stages - EMOTIONAL

    final life stages - EMOTIONAL
    Most elders are scared of dying at this stage and get upset about leaving their loved ones and want to avoid being a 'burden' so that members are left behind happy, and try to make them realise they are elderly and going to die soon anyway.
  • Final life stages - SOCIAL

    Final life stages - SOCIAL
    Some may be scared of death whereas others may not be scared at all and not even think about it, also strong religous beliefs an cause others not to worry because of thier faith. Some people may pepare for death by making achievments and saying goodbyes to loved ones. Will also want family and friends around for comfort.