10 Key historical energy events

  • 1995 BCE

    Niagara Falls hydropower station

    Niagara Falls hydropower station
    opened and supplied electricity (eia.gov)
  • 1946 BCE

    J . Prosper and John Mauchly

    J . Prosper and John Mauchly
    Invented the Eniac computer (computerhope.com)
  • 1886 BCE

    William Stanley jr

    William Stanley jr
    He invented the induction coil transformer (eia.gov)
  • 1884 BCE

    Nicola Tesla

    Nicola Tesla
    he invented the electric alternator (eia.gov)
  • 1879 BCE

    Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    He invented the light bulb (eia.gov)
  • 1870 BCE

    Lester Allan Pelton

    Lester Allan Pelton
    He delvoped pelton wheel all so known as the water turbine (hydropower.org)
  • 1844 BCE

    Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse
    He inverted the telegraph (ediaontechcenter.org)
  • 1834 BCE

    Thomas Davenport

    Thomas Davenport
    He invented the first electric motor (edisontechcenter.org)
  • 1752 BCE

    Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    He proved that lighting and static electricity are the same.(eia.gov)
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    discovered raidoacivity (famoussciensts.org)